Chapter 36

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Alexander felt sunlight hit his eyes through the windows of the living room. After rubbing his eyes, he sat still and smiled down at his wife who was still sleeping on his chest. 

She looks even more innocent when she sleeps.

He decided to let her wake up whenever she does, but her dreams decided that enough was enough and brought her back to the real world. Slowly she blinked, trying to become clear of her surroundings. 

"Well hello, there," Alexander greeted her in his raspy morning voice. Cassandra felt the vibration on his chest as he spoke and jerked herself up once she realized she had been sleeping on him the entire night. 

"Oh apologies," she straightened her skirt that she had still been wearing since when she went to the market the previous evening.

Alexander merely chuckled in response. 

"What time is it, anyway?" Cassandra asked as stood up and stretched. 

"It is..." he turned around looking for the nearest clock then responded once he found it, "1 o'clock in the afternoon."

"WHAT?!" Cassandra exclaimed. 

"Don't worry, Cassie!" Alexander began stretching his arms, "The ball is only at six in the evening, so we still have five hours. 

"Doesn't it take two hours to get there by bus?"


"So we only have three hours, Oh Lord," Cassandra mumbled as she ran to the bathroom and Alexander followed suit but went to the one upstairs. 

Within a few minutes Cassandra came running back out and dashed towards the kitchen to start cooking breakfast for herself and Alexander. 

"Where are the eggs, where are the eggs?" Cassandra nervously roamed all over the kitchen the sighed in relief once she found them. 

"This should do," Cassandra smiled to herself as she began stirring the egg content in the cooking pan. 

Suddenly she felt two arms snake around her waist and a kiss on her neck. Her arm jolted and the sudden ticklish feeling and a piece of egg went flying across the kitchen. 

"What on earth was that?" Alexander laughed as he observed the trajectory of the flying piece of egg. 

"Uh-nothing," Cassandra mumbled then continued stirring.

"Alright then," Alexander grinned, "What's cooking?"

"In the little time we have, I'm only able to make some very simple scrambled eggs."

"You know, this will be the first time, in a very long time, that I'll be eating food made from your hands."

Cassandra looked up from the cooking pan as she realized what he said was true. 

"Anyways," she looked back down at the pan of scrambling eggs, "Don't you have to get ready?"

"Cassandra, we only have to leave in three hours. We just have to put on our outfits and fix our hair, and maybe add some fragrance. Why would that take so long?"

Cassandra stopped cooking and turned to him with a raised eyebrow, "You think that it takes a woman the same time it takes for a man to get ready for a ball?"

"Well...maybe it would take a little longer, considering woman usually have longer hair than men."

"Do you see this?" Cassandra let out her hair and showed him, "It takes almost an hour to figure out what to do with..." she motioned her hands toward her thick and wavy hanging hair, "THIS."

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