Chapter 2

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"Alexander?" Cassandra asked, her voice shaky. Alexander glanced and then stared at her as if another head was growing from her neck.

Why? Did she say something wrong? For God's sake all she said was his name!

"Did you just...speak?" he asked, very shocked – again, why?

"Yes, I did. Is there something wrong?" she replied, still worried about the expression on his face.

"Wait, you're not mute?"

What in the world?!

He thought she was mute?

Oh well then, that explained everything...everything.

"Why would you have such a thought about me? Don't you remember those times I've tried to speak with you?"

Alexander was in thought for what may have lasted a whole minute.

"When did you ever try to speak with me? All you ever did was approach me and give a smile. Hence it's certainly not my fault for assuming that you were mute!"

It was true.

She never really did speak to him. She'd only been trying to communicate through actions.

Her face colored slightly at the remembrance of that – and Alexander seemed to have mistaken that for something else.

"Look woman," he said, his voice low and angry, "I'm not at all interested in starting a new life with you and I'll never be!"

She started back at him, terrified.

His normally blue eyes have turned dark and pierced through her like spears.

Poor Cassandra had a terrible habit of blushing for the smallest things, and her husband wasn't aware of that.

Only God knew when he'll ever be.

Even though he mistaken her in such a cruel manner, she decided to use this opportunity and was curious about where this conversation might end up.

"But Alexander, we've promised to live by each other for the rest of our lives. In fact, that is all what a marriage is about! We can't keep a distance from each other for too long!"

Alexander glared at her, and this terrified her much more.

But for an odd reason, she continued to speak.

"You know Alexander, your parents are probably waiting eagerly to become grandparents! You must also think of them, if you chose not to think of me at all!"

Oh dear Lord...she might have gone a bit too far a bit too fast.

He furiously walked towards her so that they were only a foot away from each other.

This was considered a close distance as Alexander normally keeps a good distance from Casandra.

"To hell with you and your bloody sense of marriage! And don't even think about becoming a mother – that is something that will never happen...never!"

He stormed away from the kitchen, but on his way out, he threw a few utensils here and there.

Looked like there was some more cleaning for Cassandra to do.

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