Chapter 38

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Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that this is the last chapter before the epilogue. It's about time I wrap this story up, which does make me pretty sad, but oh well, it can't go on forever, right? Anyways, I hope you like it :)

"Careful, the bowl is still hot," Alexander warned Cassandra as he handed her a bowl of soup that he made. 

"Your soup has gotten better over the past eight months, Alex," Cassandra mentioned after her slurped in a spoonful, "It tastes, wonderful, in fact!"

"Finally," he sighed as he sat himself down next to her, "but there's probably only a few weeks left until the baby comes."

"You can still take care of me after that, Alex," Cassandra chuckled. 

"Of course," he held her hand that was resting on her swelling belly. 

Suddenly Cassandra dropped her spoon onto the bowl, resulting in a small splash of hot soup. For a few moments she choked hard but eventually brought herself back to speak again. She swiftly handed the hot bowl to Alexander and he stood up as he tried to understand what was going on. 

"Cassandra, what are you feeling," he asked worriedly. 

She gasped in response at the sharp contractions she was experiencing. 

"Alex-" she sharply inhaled again, "I-I think it's coming, now."

"Oh Lord," Alexander nearly dropped the hot bowl he was still had. After setting it on a table he held onto her hands, "Hold on, Cassandra, I'll grab a carriage."

"No," she strongly grabbed onto his arm, "there's no time, Alex. If it comes, it comes here."

"Cassandra, I-I don't know if I can do this," Alexander rushed his hands through his hair, "I won't do it right."

"Alex! You don't have to do it! Just call Caroline, Jenny, my sisters, and the mothers. They can do it, I know."

"Oh," Alexander sighed heavily in relief then dashed out of the house without sparing a second more. He returned within fifteen minutes with everyone and Cassandra's breathing became very rapid. 

With the help of Alexander, they carried Cassandra to a bedroom for the labor, as it would have been difficult to deliver a baby on a couch. Alexander went back to the living room and waited with Henry, George, Fernando, and all the fathers, whom all wanted to be their for the to-be parents' support. 

As Cassandra's breathing increased tears began running down her cheeks, not in pain, but in fear of the pain to come.

"It's going to be alright, Cassie," Caroline repeated as she rubbed Cassandra's hands. Isabella placed a cloth that was damped in cold water on Cassandra forehead. Victoria kept checking to see if any crowning of the baby began yet. Meanwhile, Gabriella said prayers for the well being of Cassandra and her child. 

Soon after, Cassandra let out short piercing scream and Victoria immediately checked again, "There it is! The baby's head, I can see it!"

Cassandra's sisters held her hands and begged her to push harder. Heavily breathing, Cassandra pushed as hard as she could and it wasn't long before Victoria was able to grab onto the baby's small shoulders to slid it out and bring him into the world. 

"It's a boy!" Victoria exclaimed as she held onto the baby, "But Cassandra, you need to push again, you got another one coming!"

Just as Caroline saw the crowing of the second baby Cassandra let out a short scream again. Only after pushing for about thirty seconds, she stopped and rested her head on the pillow under her. She let her tears roll down her face and lost her will to push. 

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