Chapter 25

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September 16, 1862 

The Seven Days Battle ended in victory for the Unions on July 1st. A few months later, it was time for the Union soldiers to battle with the Confederates in the South near Sharpsburg, Maryland.  

"This upcoming battle," Captain Joseph said as he gathered all the Union soldiers, "will be fought with the help of General Ulysses Grant, here." He introduced the soldiers a man with the age of around forty, having thick mustache with a short beard.

"Like how General McClellan did, General Grant has fought in the Mexican-American war as well. With the use of his genius tactics we can bring great victory to our side in the battle tomorrow!"


"Boy, it's getting hot and stuffy here," Jenny complained as she fanned herself with her hand, "let's go get some fresh air," she called over to Cassandra and her sisters.

They followed her out of the army tent, stretching their arms and legs to their content. 

Suddenly they spotted a short, stout man running towards somewhere. With immediate recognition, Cassandra and Meredith attempted to pull Jenny an Lilly back into the tent. 

"What are you guys doing?" the girls complained. 

"That man," Cassandra began, "was the one who attacked me and Meredith!"

They gasped in unison. "Where could he be heading to?" Jenny asked in curiosity.

"Probably to his Confederate soldier mates," Lilly mumbled as she glared at the running man. 

"Look!" Jenny pointed, "He dropped something!"

As Jenny made a run for it Meredith grabbed her by her arm, "Are you mad? He could have dropped that on purpose to trick us!" 

"If he'd want to trick anybody it would be the soldiers, not us!" Jenny reasoned.

"She has a point," Lilly agreed. 

Without saying anymore Jenny dashed towards whatever it was that the man dropped. Once she reached, she bent down to pick it up and stared at it, trying to figure out what it meant. 

"It seems to be a map!" she yelled over to her friends, "I'm going to give this to the soldiers, it could help them for tomorrow's battle!"

Before they could utter a word she dashed away once again. 


"He seems to be a genius!" Fernando mentioned, "I have high hopes in us winning tomorrow."

"The general also seems to be a forgiving man," Alexander said as he was deep in thought, "Those Indians from the Pacific Northwest...he believed for them to be harmless." 

 Henry added, "Those Indians turned out to be actually harmless anyway."  

"And that doesn't mean that he's going to be forgiving to everyone, Alex," George remarked. 

"Well what if he will? What if he sees the good in the Confederates! Seeing the good in everyone isn't a good thing!"

"And seeing the bad in everyone isn't a good thing either!" Fernando said as he threw Alexander a look and walked off. 

"He's got a point, Alex," Henry chided, "You've always tried seeing the bad in others and judged them that way. You even did that to Cassandra."

Alexander sighed with frown, "I know."


As Fernando walked towards a man-made lake nearby to freshen up, he saw someone at a distance running towards his direction at a high speed. 

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