Chapter 21

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July 21, 1861

First Battle of Bull Run

Alexander woke up still feeling last night's food in his stomach. The army nurses have been cooking the meals for the soldiers since they all got to Prince William County.

He remembered asking Cassandra to cook his meal separately for him...he really missed her appetizing food.

After nudging his friends to wake them up, Alexander and the other three walked over to the man-made lake nearby to wash their faces.

"Well hello, Alex," said a voice behind him.

He turned around to see the man he hated almost as equally as the entire South – Jack.

"It took you this long to wake up? Why, as a soldier, isn't it essential for a soldier to be an early bird?" he remarked disgustingly.

Ignoring him, Alexander turned make to the water and washed his face some more.

Suddenly Fernando fell into the lake, and immediately Alexander knew why.

"Jack!" he got up angrily and gave him a punch on the face, causing Jack to give a small sound of pain.

George and Henry helped Fernando out of the lake.

"You know Jack," George spat at him, "it's a good thing you aren't married!"

"Yeah," Henry threw in, "or else you'd be getting a spoon thrown at your face everyday!"

The men mockingly chuckled. And with that they left a confused and angry Jack to himself.

"Are you alright Fernando?" Alexander asked with concern.

"Yes I am, but I'm shivering," he replied with his teeth chattering.

A few hours later, all the soldiers were assembled in their position, ready for battle.

As they saw the Confederates approaching and assembling, Captain Joseph was about to give the signal to fire.

After a few moments, the Captain gave to signal and cannon were fired immediately.


Hearing the sounds of fired cannons made Cassandra get very tensed.

She gripped onto her small Jesus statue as more and more cannons were fired.

Some of the nurses dared to step out of their tent to walk over to where they could see the battle.

"That's dangerous!" Cassandra exclaimed to the few nurses walked out, "Why would you do that?"

One of the nurses replied, "Don't you want to see what's going on? Aren't you curious?"

Meredith joined them, "Oh Cassandra, just come along! Why be tensed wondering what's happening, when you can just see it?"

She had a point.

Lilly, Jenny, and Cassandra eventually joined the nurses and within a few minutes the battle was in their sight.

Cassandra gasped.

"What were they thinking?" she exclaimed.

"What do you mean," Meredith asked confused.

"The Union soldiers...why are they down there? And the Confederates are up there! This will be an easy victory for them now that they can just shoot downwards at our army!"

All the nurses gasped as well realizing what she said.

"How did they not think of this?" Cassandra said in concern.

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