Chapter 29- middle of the night

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Jenni's P.O.V.-

She woke up when she heard the door close. She knew she hadn't been asleep that long and was going to go right back to sleep until she heard voices coming from the kitchen. She couldn't make out what they were saying and decided it was really none of her concern. If they wanted her part of their conversation they would have woken her up.

Her bladder decided to announce to her at that moment that it really needed to be emptied, so she slowly pushed the blanket off her. Glancing around, she looked for the shirt Micca was supposed to bring her. Seeing it on the end of the couch, she grabbed it up real quick and headed up the stairs.

She was paying attention to where she stepped on the stairs, because she had a bad habit of falling up them, she didn't notice the person coming down the stairs.

Knocking into him, she would have feel if he hadn't grabbed her arms. Looking up she realized she ran into Nick. He was wearing an amused smile. “Sorry.”

Nodding, he let go of her. “Did I hear the door?”

“Yes, Amber and Ethan are back. I think their in the kitchen with Micca.”

“Okay.” He said and stepped out of her way.

She hurried around him and to the bathroom. She did take time to notice that he came back up the stairs and knocked on Lucca's door. Shaking her head she shut the bathroom door. Rushing to the toilet she relieved her bladder.

She knew it was after two in the morning and wondered when any of the people in this house actually slept. This past week she had been at the house every day and hadn't left until after midnight and none of them had slept while she was here. They were always up when she got there and was still up when she left.

She didn't know how they did it. Heck she was younger then most of them and she knew she was wore out. She needed to get more sleep.

She flushed the toilet as she heard footsteps pass the door. She changed into the t-shirt Micca had loaned her and picked up her clothes before leaving the bathroom. She wished she had a pair of shorts to wear, she felt indecent with just his shirt on. Though looking down at herself, she didn't know why, the shirt was big enough to be a dress on her.

Sighing she headed back downstairs. Apparently it was a family meeting of sorts going on in the kitchen and she was about to invade it. If they didn't want her part of it, they could have held the meeting when she wasn't there.

She tossed her clothes on the chair in the living-room before walking into the kitchen. They were all sitting at the bar. Micca was at one end, next came Lucca and Nick, an empty set since Amber was sitting in Ethan's lap in the very last stool.

Micca glanced over at her as she walked in the door. “Ah we can start now, Jenni's here.” Drawing everyone’s attention to her. Amber gave her a tired smile, “Come sit here.” Indicating the empty chair beside her.

As she sat down Ethan asked the question that had been bothering her since she got off the phone with her dad, “How do you know Cage?”

She heard Amber sigh, poor girl was probably tired of explaining her past. “I don't know a time when I didn't know him.” Amber shuffled around on Ethan's lap a little and raised her head to lock eye's with Jenni. “Every summer from as far back as I can remember your Dad came to see me every summer.” Jenni frowned, she could remember her dad taking off for a couple of weeks each summer but that stopped right around the time she turned eight. “Well that was until one summer he just stopped.” Jenni had remembered asking her mom where her dad went but her mom would just always say he was visiting a friend.

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