Chapter 3

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It was Monday and Caleb called on Sunday stating that he was taking me to school. I textedTiffany to inform her.
Our text messages:
Me: Hey Tif! Don't pic me up tomorrow.
Tif: Why? Is yo mom taking you?
Me: No but Caleb is.
Tif: Owwww! Getting all close now! What does he call you? Babe?😂
Me: No! We're just friends and he calls me Spens. Although I love the way he says it tho.
Tif: 😂😘❤️
Me: You don't act too innocent! Toby and Tif sitting in tha tree, doing things that shouldn't be.😝
Tif: Whatever! Have fun with Caaaleeeb!😂👍🏻
Me: Screw off! Anyways, talk to you later or tomorrow. Love ya😘❤️
Tif: Love ya too😘❤️😊

Today I was wearing a black jeans that had rips at the knees with a flowy black and white top and my black Converse. I came down the stairs to see Caleb and my mom having a conversation.
"Drive safely and protect my baby." mommy says while Caleb gives a salute.
"Hey beautiful!" Caleb says and I roll my eyes. Mom then elbows me and whispers that he's a keeper. I grabbed the sandwiches mom made for breakfast and lunch then kissed her.

As we drove Caleb and I stare at each other secretly. It was kinda weird !
I was so nervous to come out of Caleb's car when we arrived. I came out and people started gathering around us. All the unwanted attention made me want to puke. Many girls sent death glares my way. I swear if looks could kill I would be six foot under. Caleb put his arm around me which made the crowd whisper even more as we walk through the hallway. After a while, everyone stopped watching so I punched him in the gut.
"F! What was that for?!"  Caleb cried. "For putting your hands around me," I reply.
"Are you that afraid of what people will think?!" he asked still holding his stomach. " I don't care about what they say, I don't like the extra attention," I said calmly.
When we were about to go our separate ways (for now until chemistry), we didn't know whether to hug or nah. After doing a bunch of awkward crap we decided to just hug!

Telling Tiffany everything made her squeal. I walked into chemistry  and went to a table by the window. About five minutes later , the teacher, Mr. Francis walked in.
"Okay class, you will be given an assignment... paired in groups of twos," he firmly stated.
I was relaxing while waiting for my name, when I heard, " Spencer Morris and Caleb Smith."
When sir said that I puked then fainted.

As I opened my eyes I saw a person staring down at me, I couldn't  identify who, because it was too blurry. Slowly my eyes focused, only to see Caleb.
"What the... why am I in the nurse's office?" I said sort of calm but I had a pounding head. Caleb explain what happened. The nurse then came in and said,
"What happened was  because your a little stressed and not eating. You need to eat!"
Caleb looked at me shocked so I had to give him nervous smile.

"You know that you can go and have your lunch." I said after checking the clock.
"No worries, I bought it when you were asleep and I have to ensure that your eating, so here is your sandwich." he says giving me a small smile, I also returned the gesture.
We ate our lunch telling jokes and talking about the new movies and marathons that were coming on the weekend. It was so fun! It was like we were close friends. He had the same mind set as me and we could relate to each other fluently. I knew what he was thinking and he knew what I was thinking. Caleb made me smile and I did the same for him.

It been two weeks since Caleb and I became friends. My mom liked and trusted him with me. Because of work my mom was going to Paris for six -seven days.
We were standing in front of the house, I kissed her  and she said,
"Oh Hun, I'm gonna miss you. You sure I should go? If  you want me to stay I will!"
"Ma, it only for six days, I'll be fine. Plus Caleb is gonna be here all the time." I said trying to calm her motherly nerves. She drove off as I waved. When she left Caleb pulled up in the drive way almost hitting me down. "The fudge is wrong with you?!" I said angrily.
Instead of answering me or saying anything, with ease, he threw me over the his shoulder then took me inside. After a few minutes, giving him the silent treatment I decided to forgive him.

Spencer and the Bad BoyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя