Chapter 26

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Nerves ran wild in my body, making me shake. We were going to go up on stage after two more acts, and to tell you that nervous is the best word to describe how I felt..., it would be, complete utter bullshit.

My hair was in a tight neat ponytail and my makeup a silver glittery theme. As for my outfit, I wore black- below- the knee sweatpants, a black sweater that had our team name on the back, simmering silver bra-let and  white Nike shoes; and the lining of my sweater, and sweat pants was silver.

I paced around the back stage area doing a breathing exercise. Tonight was the talent show! No, this was not the regular talent show! In the audience was Howard Altman! Did I freaking stutter?! No, Howard f*cking Altman! He's one of the top managers of the entertainment industry! Don't know him, go do your damn research.

"Breathe woman breathe!" Tiffany grabbing me.
"But- but I can't don't you see whose out there..." I began to babble, "Howard motherf*ckin' Altman! Is in that crowd and is I mess up there goes my chance at opening a studio and—"

My head shot to the side when Tiffany smacked me!
"Hey! What the hell the shit really di—"
"The first one was for working yourself up mad the second on is for back chatting me!"

I glared at her waiting for the hole point of my face stinging in pain.
"Spencer, you are a great dancer, one of the best I've seen. And trust me, I'm not just saying that because your my best friend. You know I'm really straight up and if I say something I mean it!" I smiled.
"Now, you are gonna go on that stage and shake what your mama gave you! Be one with the music and forget about everyone! I know this is the first time in a long time your dancing publicly. But you can do it!"

I hugged her tightly. At times like these I know I've made the right choice in making her my bestie. Yes, she is very mean, so upfront it hurts, annoying, crazy, weird and super violent but without her I'm just Spencer Morris. She, apart from my lovely Caleb, brings out my light and right to shine. Tiffany, isn't a friend you can replace, she's irreplaceable.

"Ladies and gentlemen I hope you are enjoying the show!" Toby said. He and Caleb volunteered to host the show. "Well we have reached the last, piece of the show. These two lovely and may I add hot ladies, are besties," Caleb continues. The both begin to talk in unison, "... our besties, great dancers, our girlfriends, they are Spencer and Tiffany aka S.T.E!!!"

This was it Spencer!!! You can do it! Just go out there and make your mark! Right now you so-call dad isn't important!

Tiffany and I were dancing to a mash up of songs, with different genres of dances. The light were bright, making our makeup and costume shimmering, the audience were not only filled six thousand add of out students but people from different schools, towns— it was one of the must sees in New York.

We started off with Beyoncé's song, I Ain't Sorry. Walking out in slow but sexy, tip toe. The dance can with us giving off the impression that we were feeling ourselves, which we really were. Then we made a transition to iSpy, giving off clean sculpted move. In honor of me, we dance to Bounce Back, with some slick dance moves. Then we belly danced to Do it Like That. And ended in a Jamaican song, Needle Eye by Spice.

We ended in a triple backflip and the middle splits. Breathing hard I was surprised to see the crowd cheering with a standing ovation. We got up and took a bow. Going back stage, I saw my mom in her wheelchair, Toby, Caleb, Mr. and Mrs. Thompson Ashley, Mr. Lisbon, Mr. and Mrs. Reid, and Clara. They all grouped hugged us and congratulated us. Caleb pulled me into a passionate yet short kiss and Toby did the same. Clara then insisted that we took a selfie.

Finally, after twenty-five minutes the judges made there decisions. All thirty- six acts stood on the stage. You could feel in tension, excitement and nerves strong in the air. Tiffany and I squeezed each other's hands tight.

"In third place, we have. Magic Max!"

Maxwell Macintosh was the school magician mag he was really good. And I mean really good! He once made a teachers pop quiz test disappear, in front of the students' eyes. He was also a freshman and very adorable.

"In second place, we have. Elastic Ellie!"

Ellie Scovate was an acrobat and gymnasts. She was really flexible and got her spine removed because of some complications. She was a junior and was the star of the state and school gymnastics team. Not only that but she was really pretty and had bubblegum pink hair.

"And in first place, the winner of fifty thousand dollars, weekend massage for six, and an interview on the Tonight Show, i-e-e-s...,"
My eyes were shut tight and I swear from how hard I was squeezing, Tiff's hands were blue.
"S.T.E aka Spencer and Tiffany Elite!"

The crowd when legit, and I shit you not, they went WILD. My heart raced with joy as we were presented with our prizes. The crowd calmed down, to hear our acceptance speech.

"We would love to thank," Tiffany began as I  was crying, " our parents, our boyfriends, Clara, Ashley and you all for supporting."

"Me too as we couldn't have done it without them. I really can't express how grateful I feel. My heart goes out to everyone!" I finished.

Surprisingly, my mascara didn't run we were taking pics, and Howard told us he'll spread us.

Afterwards, we went to Applebee's then our separate ways. Since my feet hurt, Caleb carried me inside. He throw me on the couch and went upstairs before I could protect about him being a dick to do that. Laying there, I studied the chandelier in my ceiling. It was so beautiful and it shimmering and I couldn't help but relate it to our performance tonight. I sighed in content.

Caleb came strolling down the stairs in nothing but a sweatpants and in his hands was my Nike exercise shorts and tank.
"Where is your shirt?" I asked him as I took off my clothes, leaving me in my bra and panties.
"You gonna be asking me that about my pants if you don't put your clothes," he said with a devilish smirk.

I rolled my eyes then put on my clothes. Caleb turned it to our new obsession on Netflix,
13 Reasons Why. My feet were in his lap as he massaged them.
"Babe?" He called making me hum in response.

"Did I tell you how well you did tonight?"

"Yes baby, like a hundred times but thank you!" I chuckled.

"I'm proud of you," he pulled me unto his lap.

"I'm proud of me too but most importantly, I love you."

"I love you too!"

Our lips met and like every time, fireworks exploded through my body; and I could tell it was like that for Caleb too, since he shivered under my touch.

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