Charter 12

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Caleb's POV

On opening my eyes, I saw Spencer sleeping soundly. Ow! She looked so freaking cute! Plus I wanted to kiss her really bad, those lips though. I rapped her golden blonde hair around my index.
"You know it's seriously creepy to stare at people while their asleep." She said opening her beautiful blue eyes.
"Whatever! Kiss me!" I said rolling my eyes.
"Ugh! Eww! No! You and I have morning breath so that's just gross. This ain't no movie were you get up with strawberry smelling breath; in real life our mouths smell like something died in them. So come brush yo teeth!"
After she said that, she got up and went to the bathroom.

Spens and her mom stack up on tooth brush so I earned mine. While brushing our teeth, I notice Spencer was dancing, ballet. It made me smile. After, Spencer told me to get out in order for her to take a shower. I didn't  want to but she practically shoved me out. When I left the bathroom, I went to my car. I packed clothes since I plan to spend the weekend, Monday and Tuesday with her. Monday and Tuesday was holiday because of some pest problem in our school.

Coming back inside I went into Spencer's room, to see Spencer in her high waisted jeans shorts but no top. Her skin was flawless but even though I was only seeing her back she kicked me out. I took a shower and went to help Spens in the kitchen. When I came in, I heard Needed Me by Rihanna playing from her phone. I turned it up so we jammed out to it. We danced, like we were in a night club. The way her hips moved to the music made you wonder how she did it so good and easy. Then some sexy tango song come on and she took over. Throwing her legs in the air, she turned of the stove then pulled me into the living room. The music was loud so it was good. In swift motion she pushed away the coffee table, then  had her hands all over me.


She stood in front of me, grabbed my hand then placed it on her thigh, after, she whisper something in my ear but I was too busy enjoying this. She then turned her back to me and put my hands on her hips. I watched her steps then followed. Instant, I got it. We looked like pros but Spencer did it better, being the dancer and all.
Everything was going great when, somehow, our feet got tangled so we fell.  This made us go into hysterics! While laughing we looked into each other's eyes and we began to kiss. I pulled her on top of me to deepen the kiss. I noticed something, I craved and needed her.

For breakfast, we had pancakes, omlet, her fav cereal and orange juice. After we chilled and watch Netflix. And no, not that chill.

The night fell and pizza was dinner. Even though we stayed in, we did a lot of things. Like play tag, twister, tumbling... may have or not broke a vase. So we were pretty tired. In no time we were catching some seriously needed z's.

I rolled over to cuddle Spens but she wasn't there! Oh shit! The first thing I thought was she was kidnapped by her asshole dad, but he was locked to rot in a jail ceil. I got up and began to look around. Passing Spencer's bathroom I heard, hardcore sobbing. Opening the door I saw her on the floor, hugging her knees.
"Angel, what happened?!" I asked sitting beside her.
"I-I had a bad drea-dream a-bout my da-dad hurting me," she said crying harder.

I grabbed her pulled her into a hug and she crying on my bare chest.
"It's okay. I'm here now and no one is going to hurt you," I said calmly as I stroked her messy hair.

We when back to sleep at around seven, I got up. I took a shower, then went to the kitchen. I order called Starbucks and ordered a Pink Drink for Spens and cappuccino for me. I watch a YouTube video an how to make a fancy but healthy breakfast. It included fruits, a cup full of her fav cereal, nuts, granola and the purple thingy that you put on a waffle. By the time I was done doing a cute design it was almost eight-thirty.

Spencer's POV

I got up to a note in Caleb's space. It read:
          Don't come downstairs
          Brush your teeth and don't               
         Don't straighten up the bed.
                Morning kisses.
              -Caleb, the King of Sexy.

I smiled at his cockiness and ego. I began feel a bit cold so I grabbed my gray sweater that stopped mid thigh and covered my fingers. So cozy!!! I took up my phone to look at myself and I looked gorgeous and I had on no make up.

While playing a random game on my phone, Caleb walked in with a tray with a bowl, Starbucks Pink Drink and a fork. Before he gave it to me, he took a pic.
"Smile for me... and the camera!" He said with a boyish grin.
I turned my head to the did and cover my face with my left hand.
"Ohmygosh!!!" He said like a girl.
"You look like so gorgeous!!!"
It made me laugh.
"My posting it on my snap, Twitter and Instagram. With the caption " Breakfast in bed for my Angel" with a kiss your face emoji." Caleb continued. I'm was blushing hard, for this was really romantic.

A/N: Hey my darlings. Okay, I know my updates are, shitty but I'm really sorry and it not really my fault, my internet is also shitty. Ugh! I'm really sorry but I love you guys, almost at a hundred views. Yea! Yea! Yea!
I know it doesn't seem like a lot but it is! Thank you guys so much! Lots of Love😘.

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