Chapter 23

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It was Saturday and Clara, Spencer and Tiffany were having a girls day. And I did NOT want to be apart of that.

Feeling hungry, I went to Isabella's. I ordered a burger with fries and a coke. About to take a bite out off the mouth watering burger, Gina sat down.
"Hi! I'm Gina, Spencer's sister on her father's side." She said chirpily, giving me a hand to shake.
"I know who you are and you better not hurt my baby or I'll make sure you pay." I said through gritted teeth. She just stared at me innocently but I'm not the type to fall for bullshit.

"Anyways, I would like to eat my food in peace so ba bye," I said before digging into my burger.

She sat there and watched me. It was seriously starting to creep me out, so I excused myself and went to the bathroom.

Gina's POV

Seeing that he was gone to the bathroom, I looked around and emptied the into his Coke. It fizzed for a few seconds. I may have over done it but more he got, the faster and longer he'd go unconscious.

My plan was to f*ck up this relationship for two reasons; Caleb is hella fine and the more vulnerable the bitch is, the easier it is for me to finish what my mom started. I was going to mess it all up for everyone. Then, kill Spencer and her real mom earning the money that Spencer is suppose to get.

When he came back, I acted normal. And no, not like the idiots in the movies and did a bunch of shit, causing them to be obvious. I stared at him as he ate, making him a bit uncomfortable.
"Didn't your bitch of a mother teach you anything. It's rude to stare," he spoke blankly.
I wanted to lash out at him for saying that but that would blow my innocent cover.

Watching his every move, he gulped down the Coke like his life depended on it. I resisted the aching urge to smirk. We left the cafe but I followed behind him. The drugs was supposed to kick in any minute now, putting my magnificent plan into action.

As he started to stagger, I lead him into my car and few seconds later, the sexy f*cker was out like a light. I drove to my house after selling some of my mother's mixed drugs. She was sold them like nothing and thank goodness that they didn't find out so I could continue it.

I called my photographer, an old friend. Changed into a sexy black and white lingerie with matching kitty ears. As for Caleb, I just took off his shirt and pants. For someone so fit and muscly, he weighed a friggin' ton. Daniella, my friend, arrived and the photoshoot began.

Hands in the air and... snap! Let him kiss my neck and... snap!

In one off them, my fav actually, was the one when he lent up against the wall, me on his lap... naked, his head nuzzled into my neck.

Was gonna tell Spencer, I wasn't hiding anything from her. I couldn't and wouldn't do that but when I got home, Spencer had two suitcases packed and was waiting for me. What the hell?

"Babe what's wrong?" I asked concerned.
"Don't touch me you lying a-hole!" She sprung up with tears pouring.
"What the frig? What did I do?" I said.
She shoved an envelope to my chest. Opening it was a picture of Gina and I into some complicated positions. Ones that looks like we were having sex.
Holy shit full of dumb f*ck!!! After I told Spencer, about staying away  from her and then this...

"Baby, please-," she cut me off by telling me to be quiet.

Spencer's POV

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