Chapter 24

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Caleb's POV

I shot out of the car and ran towards the hospital. Entering, the front desk was in site but I had to be dodging people like bullets.
"Hey... um... Spencer Morris?" I asked the lady at the front desk, anxiously.
"Who are you to her?" She asked lazily.
"I'm her fuc-. I'm her boyfriend!" I answered trying to calm my nerves.
"Room 369," she answered with an eye roll.

I ran towards the room but I wasn't allowed to go in.
I took a seat beside Toby and Tiffany. Wait... Toby?
"Bro, how are you here before me?!" I asked.
"Took a short cut," he answered nonchalantly as I rubbed my temple. Miss Bishop rolled up in her wheelchair and gave me a hug. I had a conversation with her and told her everything.

The doctor came out and I was the first one to get up. "Spencer is in a fragile state, a coma. But she's a fighter. She had a really bad hit to the head busted a vessel and that a really bad concussion but that's in control. Her blood pressure was high but also managed to get that under control." He said. "You can go in now, just don't touch what you shouldn't. Any questions?"
"When will she wake up?!" I asked.
"We aren't sure and there's a fifty fifty percent chance that she will and she wo-" he got cut off  by me saying, "She will!"

I walked to see my angel lying there. She looked..., dead. If her stomach wasn't moving, I wouldn't know. Call me a big baby or a whiny girl but seeing her like that, I broke down, completely.

I cried loudly not caring who was there. Holding her hand, I said,
"It's my fault! I'm sorry angel, really sorry."
Miss Bishop told everyone to give us a minute. Toby rubbed my back telling me he'll be outside.

After I a while I stopped crying but held her hand.
"I don't know if you can hear me but, I'm gonna talk anyway. When Gina drugged my drink, I was at the bathroom. We were walking out of the cafe and the next thing I knew, I woke up at her house half naked and I was freaking out and it was all so crazy and I was really worried when she even said that you got the post card and seeing movies, it's obvious that she took pictures," sighing I took a deep breath. "Listen, angel, I love you babe and I would never do anything to hurt you."
I took another deep breath, doing my best not to cry.

I felt like a failure, an idiot... fuck!
"Spencer, I'm sorry it's my fault, I did this! Please!"
You may say that I'm overreacting but... this gonna sound so cliche, Spencer has been my rock, my angel, my other half. I started like her back in sophomore year but at that time, I would have hurt her, because of the shit that I was going through. When she reacted to my dumb pick up line, she pulled me in more. Then when I said her dancing, damn! She had got me hooked, I didn't first fall in love with her beauty but she personality.

And right know I feel so broken, seeing her like this is... I would always, thank God for give her to me, 'cause without her I don't know where would I be. It was taking all my self control not to rip the place apart and take Spencer with me. I left, I needed to clear my mind before I did something I'll regret. I ran out. People gave me weird looks but I didn't care. My heart was..., saying that it was broken would be a complete understatement. I could feel it in all my vessels and cells.

I hailed a cab and went straight home. Reaching the house, Gina was sitting and waiting.

"What the f*ck are you doing here?!" I was pass enraged.
The driver drove off and she stood up in her stilettos that she could barely walk in.
"Baaabeeeee, why are you mad?" she fake gasped, "Did... OMG... did Spencer break up with you?" She asked mocked innocently.
I stepped up with raised hand, wanting to beat her to shreds but my mom taught me better so, I just pointed to the gate.
"Leave, please... jus-just leave."
I was trying to be calm and civilized but this bitch was testing my patience when she decided not to move.
"Get the fuck off my property!" I screamed.
She let out an evil chuckle.
"I've worked too hard to let this... you stop me!" At this point I was recording. "I was planning to get her into the hospital but she did that on her own. When visiting hours are over, a few friends that wants revenge for my mom are gonna get the job done."
I texted Tiffany's uncle, head of the police in the state, to send his best crew. I also alerted Tiffany, Toby and Miss Bishop. She way too caught up in her little rant that she didn't even notice.

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