Chapter 5

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Spencer POV

It was the worst day of the week, Monday. But being the optimist I am, my weekend was bomb! Tif, Toby, Caleb and I had a slumber party. Ricky didn't come cause he said he wasn't up to it. We had a great time at Caleb's house. We watched movies, ate A LOT, karaoke, played double dog dare, tag and I drank for the first time. I was dared to dance to One Dance by Drake, sexily, Tiffany was dared to make out with Toby, Caleb had to flirt with me in a Italian accent and Toby had to sing Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift to Tiffany in a French accent. Caleb told me not to say slumber party, call it a friends night in. Of course, I did it my way!

Caleb and I sang to Needed Me by Rihanna while heading to school. Like every morning every one gathered around so Caleb told me to look at our shoes. Caleb and I were at my locker when the entire school, except Caleb got a message. It was a pic of me and Caleb eating fro-yo and it had a message under that read, "Tsk Tsk! Look at the bitch, trying to get popular or get someone in her virgin pants. Well it's not a surprise since she such a slut, she needs to stay way from him cuz there is more where this came from.
                              -Ash. "
Everyone were now whispering. Caleb grabbed my phone and read it. When he finisher I slammed my locker and when  to English Lit. Caleb ran behind me and cried, "Angel!"
But I continued walking.
It was now lunch and Tif tried to comfort me. I thought Caleb would walk pass my table but he sat beside me. He even made a cheesy joke which made me laugh. Even Toby was there.
"Oh my gosh guys, stop! Thanks though! Love y'all!" I laughed drying my tears. They were the best friends I could ever have. Toby and Caleb risk there reputations that they didn't care about, I'm blessed. But seriously though, if anyone told me that I'd have the two hottest guys in school as my best guy friends last year, I would have laughed in their face and tell them to dream on. We were done with lunch, heading for Chemistry when we saw Ricky and Ashley kissing! Caleb was really piste!
It was finally after school and we were packing up to go home. Caleb, Toby, Tif and I were talking as I packed up my books, because of what Ashley did to me they behaved like my parents.
"Hey bitch! Do you and me a favor and stop trying to be like me!"
We recognized the voice. Caleb was gonna say something when I gave them the look to let me handle it.
"You think I want to be like you?! Bitch please! I would have to drop 10 IQ points, sleep with a thousand more men and look like a cracked out clown whore, in order to be like  you! Oh and next time say it to my face but don't come too close, your  breath and body odor alone, would make me faint."
We were leaving when this girl decide to bitch slap me! That made my blood boil! I made a tight fist and gave her a heavy duty punch. Just like a badass boss bitch I walked out with my awesome friends.

In the parking lot, my friends said at the exact time, "We so saw that coming!"
It made us all laugh. Caleb lift me and put me on the top of his Lexus s6 and iced my bruised fingers. He even kiss it! Caleb is so cheesy and gross!

November was now here and it was getting cold. At school all we did were practice test for our end of terms. Since Caleb, Toby, Tif and I had study parties and online vid chat together we A's in most but needed to work on our weak areas a bit.

It was Friday so I danced with Tif in the schools studio. Tiffany was also a great dancer but she was convinced that I was better. We danced to Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez. It was pretty sick. We where even working on a special piece. Mom already knew that I was staying with Tif until Tuesday when her parent come back from their love thingy trip.

After that we went to Tiffany's house. We studied for three hours straight. For a reward we watched Netflix and anime. Tiffany had false short nails so we treated ourselves with a manicure. The designs we used were form Pinterest. Surprisingly they turned out pretty good.
The next day we got up and cleaned then worked on the new piece. Tiffany's parents told her to go grocery shopping. We headed to Target.

At Target we played and took turns in the cart. Tiffany sent me to go pick up some cereal. I grabbed her favorite, Coco Puffs when I heard,
Immediately I confirmed the voice. I ran to Tif, trying to get away but he found me.
"Spencer, I'm your fath..." Tiffany cut him off, "Yeah! Damn right you are but the worst one!" she cried.
"I know but we need to talk! Oh, hi Tiffany," he replied.
I didn't want to talk to him but I decided to. But we were gonna finish shopping first. He actually stuck around.

We sat at the outside of the Starbucks café. He wanted to by my cappuccino but I didn't allow it.
Dad: "I'm sorry for everything!"
Me: "Sorry! Sorry can't and won't make up for everything you did!"
Dad: "I was..."
Me: "You were what? You and uncle Davin tried to rape me when I was twelve!"
Dad: "I know but I like you, more than my daughter!"
Me: "Your such a sicko!"
Dad: "But look at you! You look you even better now! So sexy! I can imagine us working it!"
Me: "What the hell is wrong with you?! What kinda of  father are you?!"
He was rubbing my thigh so I smacked his hand. He grabbed my wrist.
Dad: "You are coming to my house!"
Me: "Ahhh! Your hurting me, you a-hole. Tiffany!"
When I screamed he slit in between my thumb and in my hand middle. Tiffany then punched him in the face and kneed him in the stomach, making him fall to the floor.  We ran to her car and within two  minutes we reached to her house.

Tiffany's POV

Spens was having a panic attack so I gave her the pills her doc prescribed. My both parents were doctors so I knew how to clean, stitch and dress the cut. Thankfully, it wasn't  too deep and my parents had a mini hospital in one of our suppose to be guest bedrooms. I did my all that while besti slept peacefully.

Spencer and I have been besties since we were five. That's thirteen years. She was always there for me and I'm gonna do the same. In spite of her horrible past, she is a great person. I am anger with myself because I was her best friend when all the horrible things happened to her. I love her and she's the best, best friend I could ever need and want. 

After about four hours Spencer got up and said,
"Tif, don't be angry with yourself, what my dad did is not your fault and it never will be. He is just a jerk and your the best."
When Spencer said that I felt so good, relieved. We were both crying. I hugged her knowing that everything is okay.

For the rest of day we chilled and studied. That's all we did until Tuesday, when she went back home.

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