July 29 2014

18 0 0

They've woken us up way too early. I mean, it's good, it's only 8:30 and it'll help get me on a school schedule, but still. It's too early. And I'm tired. And it's still morning.

I'm actually pretty proud of myself. I remembered to put sunscreen on this morning, now I hope I'll remember to re- apply because I'm so white I burn like bacon on a fryer when I go to the beach.

I'm super excited- they have the camp shirts! I love the camp shirts because they remind me of all the fun I'm having later on. I don't think I'll ever forget the car ride to the private beach when Kaitlin said, "On taco Tuesday, my mom makes homemade waffles!" It was funny, and Ana, Gwen, Margaret, Hana and I just looked at her for a few seconds and then the whole car bursted into laughter. We're a goofy, fun group. I like it, because it helps me forget that I'm not home.

I really want to talk to everyone, like Lynn and Andy. I miss them. (And my games. And my phone in general haha) I miss mom and dad. Even though this is so much fun, I can't wait to get back home. I know the rest of this week is going to be great, and I'm having fun, but I still miss home. I can't wait to go back. But, knowing that I can't, I'm choosing not to sulk about it and to have fun. I think Margaret might be my secret sister. Hana has always given me my gifts, and in the car Margaret and I were both quiet when everyone talked about secrets sisters. I was quiet because of Ana, and Margaret was quiet because it was one of us. She's also the only one I told about having a hard time leaving home, and my secret sister note said something about how chocolate helps emotional days.

It's almost time for lunch now, and we all got our t shirts. They're super cute, and my favorite color, GREEN! I'm really happy about that.

I learned that if you put a 3' stick in the ground mark the spot, and mark the second after about 15 minutes you'll have a compass. Sort of. I also learned how to find the North Star. I've always wondered now to do that, so I'm happy I know now.

We have a fun little buddy system so no one gets lost, and I do enjoy it. I never realized how much easier things are with friends. You're never lonely, and I like that because that was one of the things I was really worried about before. But now I think everything's gonna turn out okay.

I have literally tried so hard to keep clean, but it's impossible! There's sand everywhere. I've also tried to keep out of the sun a lot, but not in the tent, cus it's too hot in there. I like being under the canopy because there's a nice sea breeze. I'm also really grateful to have ice water. It's good, and it's doing a great job keeping me hydrated. So that's a plus. One thing I really want to see is the sunrise. I want to wake up early and take a picture of it, but I know how likely it is that'll happen. I think I can take pictures of the sunset though. I already got a picture yesterday. I can't wait to tell everyone about my experiences here.
Tonight I'm really missing home. I'm having a lot of fun, I won't deny that, but everything I do is reminding me of what I'm missing out on. Like, when I was by the shore, this boy walked by. He was tall, had black hair, was tan, and carried a surf board under his arm. Seeing him made me think of Andy.

I hate sounding like a whiny girl writing about him, but I hate that I miss him even more. It hasn't even been a month since the first time he texted me on that random day about the movies he saw at the theatre. I know I'll regret writing this later, and as stupid as it sounds, I miss his voice. Andy has this way he talks and carries himself that is just so... Him. I can't imagine anyone else like him. And I really miss him. I like how I can hear the smile in his voice when he talks and I like how he talks to me like we've known each other for forever. I hope we're friends for a long time.

But yeah.. I miss him. I'm having a lot of fun, but I really need to focus!!! XD Really though, I miss home and I can't wait to be back- but at the same time I like it here too. I should try to do as many things here as I can. After all, there's only 6 years of girls camp and I'm on #4. Life is too short to throw away, I need to go and live it.

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