November 5 2014

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Andy got to school early today. He, Ana and I sat and hung out at the table. I liked it when we'd sit real close and he's wrap his arms around me. I love it when he does that. He walked me to my chemistry class again, and kissed me on the cheek when he had to leave. I was thinking about him all of that class.

It was cool, because when I went to language arts I had break so I was just hanging outside of the class whit my friends. It was cool because he found me. Instead of saying hi, he just wrapped his arms around me and murmured, "I found you," in my ear. We hugged for a couple of minutes, until he had to go. Before he left he kissed me on the cheek. (We've had about 8ish kisses now? I don't even know anymore, I've lost count how many we've had like with the hugs.) It made me pretty happy. I had a hard time keeping the smile off my face all through class.

After, I also saw him at lunch. He sat with me! Makes me wonder who he usually hangs out with at lunch, because me and my group are pretty boring. But it's a lot more fun with him around. We all kinda sorta might of gotten into a mini food fight. It wasn't much, we just threw some grapes at each other. It was hilarious when he threw a grape at me, and it bounced off my chest and into the grass. But that wasn't the funny part. I picked it up and threw it back at him, and his arm was at his shoulder. The grape landed in between his fingers and he ate it right there. It was hilarious.

I also saw him after school. I waited for him at the gate, and we walked together. I liked it how he would hold my hand, or hug me and hold me from behind when we'd walk. I love it when he holds me. I feel safe.

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