July 18 2015

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I'm done waiting for him. It took me a long time, but now I'm pissed. Before the feelings inside of me were in charge, but lately my logical side has been screaming to not be so weak, and to stand up for myself. I'm going to post that new playlist. And I'll text him one last time that I hope that she is gorgeous. And that I hope she makes him happy. My dad blocked him, apparently, but when he checked last night he said it been on. I'm done waiting for him. I'm done being needy-I'm going to get my eyebrows done with my mom, and I'll be getting new prescription sunglasses soon. I want to make him regret treating me like this. I want him to regret treating me like this. I want him to regret that he didn't have me. The logical side of me broke through today, we've been over for months. Now it's time I start acting like it. I feel bad that I have finally succumbed to anger. But the thing is, I still love him. I just finally decided he can't hurt me again. I'm trying to let my scars fade, but I often find myself not eating. When I woke up this morning, I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, "I look so skinny." I'm not sure if it's good or bad though. I've almost lost 10 pounds now.

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