June 30 2015

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Today was actually an amazing day. We had lunch and cleanup duty today. I thought it wouldn't be fun but it actually was. It started pouring today. And I got to watch everyone run around in the rain while doing dishes. I actually enjoyed it a lot. The adult I was doing dishes with was Larry.
It started thundering and the lightning was actually at the camp. All of the girls gathered in the indoor lunch area when it got dangerous. They sang camp songs until it was safe to go to the cabins before the rain started again. When we got back the rain and lightning were already coming back, and they were really bad so we said a group prayer with our ward in the cabin and within 2 minutes it was gone. It was pretty amazing.
After the rain stopped we did some rotations. At first I had been excited about archery, but once I tried tomahawk throwing, I was in love. I got it so many times I stayed in the rotation. I got this sense of accomplishment every time I would make it in. I'm going to do that instead of swimming tomorrow. Too many scars anyway.

I miss Andy. I really want to give him the ring I have at my house from the fair the next time I see him. I miss him a lot. I hope he knows that I love him, and I hope of mom really did send missionaries to him he will talk and listen to him and soften his heart. I love him. I want him to be with me and be happy so badly.

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