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"Why do not have a shirt on ?". I said asking him .
"Because I do not know where you kept my shirts ".
"Let me show you ".
We went up to my room and I showed him where his shirts were .
"So you put my shirts in a secret place ". He said trying to understand.

"Yeah . There was no more space in the closet ".
"Okay ". He said understanding now .
"Any other secret places I should know about ".
"Nope , just this one ".
"I didn't even know that this  was there and I have been here many times ".

"Good ". I said handing him a shirt.
He took the shirt but didn't let go of my hand .
He pulled me closer to him so that our bodies nearly touched .
He was about to kiss me but then someone opened the door and we jerked away from each other. 

It was our parents .
"Sorry sweetie ". My mom said apologizing for everyone for coming in like that  .
It was the same thing that happened when were younger . 
Our parents interrupted our first kiss and they did it again .

When they closed the door , it was really awkward . Me nor Alex didn't want to talk or move .  
I wanted to get out the room so I headed to the door .
But both of  us got the same  idea and  that caused us to  bump  into each other .

Me and Alex tried to go our own way but that didn't work because we kept bumping into each other and saying "Uhhh ". until Alex stopped me and left first and then me .
"Wait , where are you guys  going ?". My mom asked .
"Out ". Alex said .
"I forgot something at Cathy 's " . I said
"But I brought some designs for you to look at " .

"I will look at them later ". He said and went to the door .
Me and him both left but with him going right and me going left. 
Once I reached Cathy 's house , I pressed the doorbell a bunch of times at the same time. 
Once Cathy opened the door , she said "Its you . Why are you ringing my doorbell like that ? " . She asked .

I came inside and she closed  the door and said "Because , I have something crazy to tell you ".
"Okay ".
"Is Ally here ? ". I said asking .
"Always here ". Ally said. 
"Okay , so the day we had Cathy 's sleepover , Alex didn't want me to go and -

"Awww ". Both of them said interrupting me .
"Anyways , and I told him that the next day we can do anything he wants . I wish I didn't tell him that because I almost made him get into trouble with his mom. And then he asked for a shirt and I gave to him and  we nearly kissed ".

"So , what 's the big deal ?". Cathy said
"The big deal is that , we almost kissed ". I said again
"So ?". They both said .
"We almost kissed ". I said again but much more louder.
"So , what's the big deal . We both know you would've liked it ".
"No ". I said lying to them .

"Yes you would.  We know that you like him ". Cathy said.
"That is a lie ".
"No , you know what is a lie . You lying about the fact that you like Alex ". Ally said
I wanted to say something but Cathy said " There is nothing wrong with you liking Alex.  You trust him now ".

"Can you guys stop . I don't  like him ".
"When we know that you guys are together , me and Ally will tell you we told you so ". Cathy said. 
"Whatever ". I said
I stayed there for awhile until I went back home. 

When I was outside , I could here Alex 's PlayStation from outside. 
When I got inside , I saw my parents and Alex's mom .
"Hi guys ".
"Hi sweetie ".
"I am so glad you are here . We have been trying to get Alex to behave ever since he got back but he doesn't want to   listen ". Alex 's mom told me .

"Okay " .
"Thank you sweetie ". She said and her and my parents all left. 
I went into the living room and it was much more louder .
I came in front of him and he paused his game .
"What ?". He said sounding really mad .
"Lower the volume . Its too loud ".

"Whatever ". He said getting up and coming more closer to the tv.
But he didn't lower the volume .
"Alex " . I said .
"Alex " . I said more louder. 
"Alex ". I said screaming his name. 
"What ". He said in a frustrated mode .

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