Give Me My Keys

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**Beth's Parents **
When they got into the car , Beth's mom said "I hope they forgive each other . Our plan won't work if they don't ".
Beth's dad said "I know ". And then drove off .

**The Next Day **
**Beth **

I woke up a few hours earlier than Alex so that I will make breakfast and leave without him knowing , but that didn't go exactly as planned .
I was at the stove when he came up behind me and hugged me .

"Alex , get away from me ". I said as I pushed away from me. 
He took half of my breakfast and I said "Hey , that is not fair ".
"Its not fair of you not making me breakfast ". Alex said .

"So , that is still not fair ". I said  as I folded my arms and looked at him .
He came close to me and unfolded my arms and relaxed my shoulders and said "Keep clam please ".
I didn't say anything . All I did was eat my breakfast and I couldn't find my keys.

Alex leaned on the wall near the door and said " If you looked much more closer, you would known that I have them ". He said holding up my keys .
I went to the door and was about to grab my keys from him when he went outside and hid my keys from me .

"Alex , give me my keys ".
"No.  Let me drive you to school today to make up for yesterday ". He said .
"No , give me my keys ".
"Please ". He said .
"No " I  said and Alex just stood by his car leaning on it watching  me .
"Alex , I am going to be late for school . Give me my keys ".
"Nope ". He said popping the 'p'.

"Ugh , fine . But when we get back from school , I am getting my keys back ". I said giving in. 
Alex opened the door of his car for me and I pushed him away from the door and got in and closed it myself before he got the chance to. 

He got the hint that I was still mad at him and he got in the car. 
As we were on our way to school , Alex said "So -
I cut  him off and said "I am not talking to you " .
He again got the hint that was I still mad and he didn't talk me for the rest of the  ride .

When we got to school , he turned off the car and he wanted to say something but I didn't let him say anything as I got out the car and went to my locker which was where Cathy and Ally were .

"Hey ". They both said .
"Hey ".
Alex was walking into the school and watched me , Ally and Cathy saw him and he  went to his class .
"Woah  . What is with the intense stares ? Was it that bad when we left ?"  Cathy said .
"Yep "  .

"We went to our lockers already since you didn't come early ".
"Blame that all on Alex . He took my keys and said that he is driving me to school and back and when we get back , that he will give my keys back ".
"Okay ".

I got my stuff and went to my first class .
My two class of the morning went good except that I had to sit next to Alex in Science .
We had a project to do and I wish I wasn't sitting next to Alex .

Lunch soon came and when I came to my regularly lunch table , Alex was there . Once he saw me , he left .
"What was that about ?".
"Nothing . So how was your classes ?". Cathy asked  
"My first one was great but the next one , I have a project to do with Alex ".

"Ohh ". Cathy and Ally said .
We ate our lunch while we talked and Alex was sitting somewhere in front of us and kept giving me some glances .
When I caught him watching me , he watched me and then smiled and went back to his friends .

The rest of the school day went fast and me , Ally and Cathy were  waiting for Alex by his car .
He came by us and said " Ready ?".
"Give me my keys ".
"No ".
"Alex , you said I can have them back -
"Later ".
"Bye ". Ally and Cathy said .

He drove us home and when we reached inside , I watched him and he said "What ?".
"Give me my keys ".
"Fine ".
He gave me my keys and I went upstairs and did my homework and other stuff until I went to bed .

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