Where Were You ?

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***Beth ***

When we came downstairs , my mom said "There is my favorite new couple ".
I felt so embarrassed at what my mom just said.
"They are the cutestttt couple ever ". Alex 's mom said passing by Alex and pinching Alex 's cheek .
He took his mother's  hand off of his cheek and said "We are not together ".

Everyone stopped what they were doing  and looked at us and said "What ?".
"We are not together ". I said .
"But then what was that up in your room ?". My mom asked .
I didn't know what to say and then Alex said "It was something we wanted to do like old times as friends ". 

"Ohh ". My mom said with a sad face .
They went back to what they were doing and didn't say a word .
We ate breakfast in silence and they left in silence .
When they left , I told Alex " Alex , I feel bad ".
He was washing the dishes and said "What do you feel bad for ? We are not dating ".

"I know ". I said as I sat down on the chair of the dinner table.
"Well stop feeling bad ".
"I can't . It was a date though  ".
He turned around and said "Do you want to lie to our parents and say we are dating ?".
"No ". I said .
"Then stop feeling bad ".

"I can't help it . They've wanted us to be together for awhile ".
He finished washing and came to where I was and said "Then what do you want to do ? It was just a date  ".
"I know that but I still ...". I said trailing off of my sentence.  
"Are you suggesting that we date ?".

I didn't say anything and then he said "No , your not so stop feeling bad ".
"Okay ".
Then Cathy and Ally walked through the front door. 
"Hey ". They both said .
"Hi ". I said .

Alex greeted them on his way to the living room. 
Once he was gone , they dragged me to my room .
They closed the door and they wanted to say something but they saw the fort and said "We did a good job ".
"Yeah , we did ". Ally said replying to what Cathy said.

"We ?". I asked.
"Yeah , Alex needed help with this ". Cathy said .
"Ohhh ". I said .
"So , how did it go ? ". Cathy asked
"It was really amazing ".
"Ohh so he wasn't lying when you really liked it ".
"I loved it ". I said with a little bit of excitement in my voice .

"But by the way your saying it , you don't love it that much ". Ally said .
"No no , I love it . Its just that my parents and Alex 's mom thought that we did this because we were together " .   I said.
"Ohh ". Ally said .
"But you two should be together ". Cathy said .

I didn't say anything because me and Alex dating again may happen .
"Wait , you didn't say anything . Are you considering giving Alex another chance ? ". Cathy asked
I still said nothing.
"By her face , I can tell that she is considering it ". Ally said

"Finally ". Cathy said .
"Whatever ". I managed to say .
We talked for awhile until Alex  came into the room. 
"Where are you going ?". Cathy asked as he grabbed his jacket .
"Out ". He said. 
"To where ? ". Cathy asked.

"To somewhere ". He said as he came out the bathroom with changed clothes.
"Like where ? ". Cathy asked
"Cathy , leave me alone ". He said as he sprayed cologne on himself .
"Fine , just don't cheat on Beth ". She said quickly .

"I heard that and were not together ".
"Yeah , we are not ". I said .
"Whatever . Remember what I said ". Cathy said .
" I know that . Bye " .
"Bye ". We all said to him and he left .
"What did you tell him ?". I asked .
"Just to be not a jerk on you guys date ".
"Ohh ".

We continued to talk and then we baked cause we got hungry. 
Alex came in through the door and saw us and said "Hey guys ". With a wide smile. 
"Hey ". We all said .
"Did you go and cheat on Beth " . Cathy said and Alex 's smile went away .
"Were not dating ". Me and Alex said at the same time. 

"Whatever ".
"You smell like food ". Ally said .
"How can you smell that ? ". Alex asked
"I just can ".
"Stop guessing about my whereabouts   ". Alex said
"Nope " . Ally and Cathy said at the same time. 

He went upstairs after that .
We continued to eat our cookies and when he came downstairs , he  wanted to take a cookie but Ally and Cathy slapped the cookie out of his hand .
He asked "What was that for ?" .
"You can not get a cookie until you tell us where you were ". Cathy said .

He didn't say anything and went to the living room .


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