Chapter 31 : Picnic

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I do not own KnB

A week passed. Today, they are having a picnic at the back of the house, which has a great view. Below them is the beach with the wonderful blue sea. With the adding of sunset view, it is a perfect day and time for having a picnic. Everyone is currently talking to each other as they enjoy the food and view. What a peaceful day to spend on.

Everyone have their own seat at the round table. With varieties of food under the table, nothing should complain anymore. The feast could be eaten by 30 people while there are only 18 people at the table including Seirin. They could eat everything under the table until their tummy burst. No one limits everyone to eat.

"The foods are so delicious. This is my paradise." Murasakibara says as he is chewing his meal.

"You will choke yourself Murasakibara-kun. There are more at the kitchen. Don't be a rush." Akashi says.

"Eat with manner, Murasakibara! Stop talking while eating!" Midorima anxiously.

"Don't fight here, Midorimachii, Murasakibarachii. We just want to be happy today." Kise advise them.

"For once, Kise does use his brain before talking" Aomine comments provokingly.

"Indeed" Kagami smirks.

"What do you mean by that?? I always use my brain!" Kise cries.

"I don't think I ever see that," Midorima says.

"Not you too, Midorimachii!" Kise screams.

"Eat more Tetsu-kun. Let me feed you" Momoi offers, already pick a meatball to shove into Kuroko's mouth.

"I can eat by myself Momoi-san" Kuroko replies with a small pout. He dislikes being treated like a child.

"Let me Let mee.." Momoi insists to.

"Kuroko-kun." Ogiwara grins and shows him a milkshake which instantaneously taking the bluenette's attention. His eyes clearly reflecting how excited he is as he looking at his favourite meal.

"No, no Tetsu-kun. You need to eat nutritious food, not a milkshake." No replies from Kuroko. Momoi horrors as Kuroko moving toward Ogiwara.

"Tetsu-kun!! Mouuu.." Momoi taps her leg furiously, unsatisfied that Kuroko rather choosing a milkshake than her.

"I win." Ogiwara smirks. Oho.. recently everyone could notice how Ogiwara tries to steal Kuroko's attention only for him. Why? Because he should be the one Kuroko spend time the most rather than the other. They are brother and a brother should be overprotective over his beloved brother, right? And since he already could adapt with the others true nature, he is becoming more open to them. No more shy or secret. He starts to treat them just as Kuroko do treat them. Just like a family.

"Can I have that" Kuroko innocently asks. Waiting for the milkshake to be pass to him.

"Here you go." Ogiwara giggles at Kuroko's cuteness.

Almost immediately Kuroko grabs the milkshake and continues to slurp it until there's no balance.

"Wow. Are you that craving to a milkshake? Just how you can finished it in a few minutes?!" Furihata asks shockingly.

"It quite a while since I'm having them" Kuroko replies with the emotionless look. Then, he continues to slurp the empty milkshake cup.

"You lie! I have made it last night!" Kagami screams.

"That 12 hours ago. It could be included into "a while" "Kuroko innocently answers to Kagami.

Kagami only could slap his own forehead.

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