Chapter 8: Chosen One

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I sighed and sat beside Victor and Makkachin. I stared at them for a while before talking to Yuuri. "So, Yuuri," I called. He immediately looked at me. "Y-yes?" He asked.

"How are you?" I asked him. Yuuri's eyes widen and he moves his gaze left and right, avoiding eye contact. "I guess he's shy," I thought. "F-fine, I guess," he answered and looked down.

"I see," I said and nodded. "You've gained weight," I said. Yuuri looks back at me, eyes wide. "We have to work on losing your weight," I added and looked away.

"W-we?" He asked. I looked back at him and raised an eyebrow. "Yes. Didn't Victor tell you?" I asked. "T-tell what?" He asked back. I can't help but giggle. Why didn't Victor tell him? Yuuri looked at me with a confused expression.

"I'm gonna be your coach!" I told him with a smile. His eyes widen again. "What?!" He screamed. The same as his scream a while ago. I smiled at his reaction.

I looked at Victor and ran my hand through his hair. "Shh. You'll wake him up," I said and smiled. I stroked his hair and admired his handsome face.

Suddenly the lady from before came in with another woman. She looks frustrated. "Vicchan's sound asleep," the lady said.

The woman ran toward Victor. "Yuuri! Why is Victor sleeping in one of the inn's robes?!" She asked. Victor turned around to face me. I continued to stroke his hair. "He soaked in the hot spring and had dinner, then fell asleep..." Yuuri answered.

"It's big news in Russia. He's taking next season off and is considering his next move. They're also saying that when he saw the video of you skating his routine, he was struck with inspiration, and that's when he decided to be your coach," The woman said. Yuuri's jaw dropped. "Victor came here because he chose you, Yuuri. You brought him here! That's incredible!" She added. Yuuri placed his hand on his chest.

"It's true," I suddenly said. Yuuri and the woman looked at me. "(Y-y/n)(l/n)?!" The woman said. I can see that she is surprised. I smiled at her and nodded. Her jaw dropped. "I'm surprise you recognized me," I said and chuckled. I looked down at Victor and back at them. "I came here to coach Yuri as well," I said.

"What?!" The woman screamed. I chuckled at her reaction. She had the same reaction as Yuri. "I'm not yet sure why Victor decided to be your coach, Yuuri. But before your video was uploaded, I already thought of helping you. When I saw the news about you, I felt the need to help you. I see great potential in you, Yuuri. I didn't think of being your coach until Victor told me he wanted to be your coach. Just then, I realized that it's the best way to do for me to help you," I told them.

"We chose you, Yuuri," I added and smiled at them. I looked back at Victor and smiled as I stroke his hair once more. I looked back at the woman. "What's your name?" I asked. Her jaw dropped, "M-my name?" She asked. She seems surprised. I nodded and smiled. "It's Minako," she answered. "Nice to meet you, Minako," I said.

Suddenly, Victor sneezed. The three of us were quite shocked. He sat down, still hugging Makkachin. "Oh, he's awake," Yuuri said. Victor looked over his shoulder to Yuuri. "I'm starving," he said. I felt my stomach grumble when he said that. "I'm starving as well," I said.

"Huh?" Yuri said. "They still want to eat?" The woman asked. "Um, what would you like to eat?" Yuuri asked. "Hmm... As your coaches, we'd like to know what your favorite food is, Yuuri," Victor answered. I sighed and shook my head. "Look at him, deciding what I'll eat," I thought and chuckled mentally. "What?" Yuuri asked and looked at me. I smiled and nodded at him.

Yuuri and Minako stood and went to the kitchen. I moved beside Victor. I took my phone out of my pocket and placed it on the table. "I wonder what Yuuri's favorite food is," I said and laid my head on his shoulder. He smiled and laid his head on mine.

We stayed like that until Yuuri and Minako came in, carrying a tray. The lady from before followed them. They sat with us and placed the foods on our table and Victor was delighted. "Wow! Amazing!" He said. I placed my head closer to the bowl and smelled it. "It smells good!~" I said.

"Our specialty, the pork cutlet bowl, extra-large!" The lady said. Victor took the chopstick. He picked a slice of pork and ate it. I looked at him. Victor blushed and shouted, "Vkusno!" I smiled and tasted the food as well. "Indeed!" I said and smiled.

"Delicious! Too good for words!" He said while chewing. "I've never tasted anything like this before!" I said. "Is this what God eats?!" Victor asked.

The lady happily walked out of the room. "I'm glad you like it," Yuuri said. Minako, who sat beside Yuuri looked at him. "Yuuri gains weight easily, so he was only allowed to eat it when he won a competition. Right?" She said.

I can see the embarrassment in Yuuri's face. "Oh? So have you eaten this pork cutlet bowl recently?" Victor asked.

"Yes, yes. I eat it often," Yuri answered. "Why? He didn't win," I thought. Victor tilted his head to the right. "Why? You haven't won anything," He said.

I almost swallowed the food whole when Victor said that. I covered my mouth and tried my best to hold in my laughter. How can Victor say that while smiling? I mean, won't Yuuri get offended?

"With that pig's body of yours, lessons would be meaningless. You need to get back to your weight at last year's Grand Prix Final, at the least... or we can never coach you. Until then, no more pork cutlet bowls. Okay, little piggy?" Victor said.

Yuuri stood wobbly. "Don't worry, I will help you get fit again!" I said cheerfully. Suddenly, a woman with blonde hair came. "Hey, this luggage is in the way," she said. "Can you take it to the room where we'll be staying?" Victor asked. "Staying?" Minako and Yuuri asked in unison. "Yes, we will be staying here," I said.

"Yuuri, would you please take us to the room will be staying in?" I asked. Yuuri sighed. "Follow me," he said. We followed him upstairs and he led us to a tiny room. Yuuri placed the last box down. I reached in my pocket for my phone but it wasn't there. My eyes widened and I remembered that I left it on the table. "I forgot my phone," I said and ran downstairs.

I walked back to the table we were a while ago and saw the lady from before picking up the dishes. I saw my phone and quickly grabbed it. I looked at the lady and she seems to have a hard time carrying the dishes. "Let me help," I said and smiled. "Thank you," she said as she gave me some of the plates.

I followed her to the kitchen and placed it beside the sink. "I-I'll wash the dishes," I said out of nowhere. The lady looked at me. "Oh, but you're tired!" She said. "It's okay! Doing the dishes isn't enough to thank you for the wonderful time you gave us," I replied. She chuckled, "Well if you say so. I will be outside cleaning the tables." I nodded and started washing the dishes.

Once I've finished, I went up to our room. The lights were off. Victor was laying on a blanket, looking at his phone. "You're not yet asleep?" I said. Victor looked at me and answered, "I was waiting for you." I smiled at him.

I removed my shoes and laid beside him. Makkachin was laying below us. I turned around so my back was facing Victor. He hugged me from behind and kissed the back of my head. I was a bit startled by his action.

"Goodnight, (y/n). I love you," he said. "Goodnight, Victor. I love you too," I said and closed my eyes.

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