Chapter 49: Marriage?

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The building isn't that big which means walking around and exploring it shouldn't take as long as this. I started this walk around 9:00, an hour after we arrived, and I'm still unable to see everything in this building. It's around noon now, around lunch. Every time I turn a corner or something, people would come rushing to me. It's not that I don't like it. I actually love socializing with people now compared to back when I was much younger; when shyness was at its peak. It's just that Victor might be worried or something.

There was a female interviewer from a fashion magazine a while ago. She asked me if I have the time to answer some questions, and do some poses. Well, I love photoshoots, how can I say no?

I was asked a few questions about figure skating like if I will ever go back, and also questions about well, Victor and I.

"Looking gorgeous as ever today with the formal outfit, do you mind posing for the camera?"

"You don't look half bad as well," I say. "A little photoshoot won't hurt."

I did as I was told. I'm not a real model or anything. I was trained to be a skater, not a model, so I only knew little about posing and such. I often just follow what the cameraman would order.

I am in the middle of the photoshoot when squeals filled my ears. The interviewer whose eyes were on me as the cameraman takes shot is now looking at something, or rather someone behind me.

Before I could turn around to look, a hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked to my side and well, you guessed it right, it was none other than my man, Victor.

"There is a photoshoot going on here and I'm not invited? That hurts!" Victor placed his other hand on his chest as if feeling if his heart is still there.

The woman chuckled, "Well, what a bonus!"

"It's not fair if I'm the only one who answered the questions! Ask him as well," I said.

The woman looked at Victor with a questioning look, asking if it would be okay to take some of his time to answer questions. "I'd gladly answer," Victor says.

He was asked by almost the same questions as mine. Although one question took us both by surprise.

"You and (y/n) have been dating for quite a long time now and the public is itching to know when both of you are getting married! Would it be too much to know?"

I froze a bit in place, not knowing what to say. Although it was Victor being asked, I am a part of the question, so I need to be ready. I glanced up at Victor, itching to know his answer as well.

Victor smiled and glanced at me as well before looking back at the woman. "The wait would soon be over before you know it," he replies. It was a simple answer but it earned squeals from people.

"With that said, I hope the public would be satisfied and we will all be looking forward to the wedding of the season."

The crew thanked us one last time and we all went our separate ways. The other seemed to get the idea that Victor and I need to be left alone now.

"Was that a proposal?" I asked. We began to walk away from the crowd.

Victor gave a playful smile and a shrug, "Who knows?" He placed his lips on my temple then on my cheek.

I smiled and hugged Victor from the side. "Where are we going?" I asked and looked up at him.

"Aren't you hungry? Let's eat out at a resto or something. A short date?" He smiled down at me.

"Hmm... why not?" I chuckled and let go of my hug. I linked my arms with his on our way out.

"There is a restaurant nearby. Maybe just around the block. We could check it out," Victor says the moment we've stepped outside.

I gave a nod and we head towards the said restaurant. The moment we turned the corner of the street, we can already see the big sign that signifies it is a restaurant. It is a bit large, I may say. This might even be a fancy one.

The guard opens the doors for us and we gladly went in. We were greeted by a waiter, "Good day, Mr. Nikiforov, and Ms. (L/n)! Allow me to take you to your seats. Now that Victor gave an answer to the media, I imagined a scenario in my head wherein the waiter would say Mrs. Nikiforov instead of Ms. (L/n).

I mentally chuckled at what I'm thinking and shook my head. "It seems as if you've made some reservations," I say as we follow the waiter.

"With the help of Minako, that is," Victor replied.

On the outside, the resto looks large and fancy, but on the inside, it's quite simple. There are fake cherry blossom trees inside. The lighting is quite dim, and the booths are placed in such a way that it is right next to a wall that is filled with images of different aesthetic places in Japan. Overhead, there is a little ceiling made of fake cherry blossom branches. It feels as if having lunch under a cherry blossom tree. There is also one of the round Japanese paper lamps hanging from the ceiling. One booth can sit up to six people, three on each couch that faces each other.

"Great choice of a resto," I say as we sit down on opposite couches.

"Thank Minako," Victor chuckled.

The waiter gave both of us the menu book. We gladly took it and flipped the pages, scanning them. Pure Japanese food, I may say.

Hmm, I don't know what to get. I tapped my fingers on the table as I held the book with my other hand. This is kind'a making me feel uncomfortable. I can feel the waiter staring at us and maybe he's getting annoyed inside because we haven't chosen yet. I'd rather go to some convenience store, buy some bento placed in a disposable black plate with dividers and eat without any waiter staring.

Okay, so I don't know much of the food terminologies here and not all the dishes have pictures so I'd just pick which one seems familiar or common, or maybe something Yuuri's mom cooked for us before.

I feel like I've been eating a lot of meat lately, so I think I'd go with something veggie for today. Let's see, I think I'm going with the vegetable yakisoba. I pointed my finger on that one and read it out loud. "I'm going to have the vegetable yakisoba," I said. The waiter immediately wrote on his notepad that I haven't noticed before.

Yakisoba is like a dish made of fried noodles and vegetables, I guess since I ordered a vegetable one.

"Anything else, ma'am?" The waiter asked.

I looked back at the menu. "For the side order, I want a small bowl of miso soup." That's what I know.

I kinda wanna have sushi rolls, I hope they serve some here. On one side of the page, I see it. There's a small selection of those and I think I'm going with the tempura shrimp roll to add some seafood to my veggie yakisoba.

"I'd also have the tempura shrimp rolls," I say, sounding quite uncertain.

"Okay, umm, for the appetizer?" The waiter asks.

We're not yet done? "Oh, let's see," I said as I scan the appetizer section. "I'm going to get some gyoza," I said. "And for the drinks, I'd have iced tea." I closed the book and handed it to the waiter. He took it immediately after scribbling down.

Am I doing this right? I don't know if I'm doing this right. I know there are different components in a Japanese meal, but it's my first time eating at a restaurant here. Well, not really "first time" but before, I'd have my coach pick whatever meal there is. I'm not choosy, so I'd go with whatever food there is. I don't have any allergies either.

"As for you, sir?" The waiter then turned to Victor.

"For the appetizer, I'd have edamame. I'd also have the tempura set. Side order, I'll also have small miso soup, and beverage, I'll get iced tea as well."

"Very well, sir," the waiter said as he wrote on his small notepad. "Please wait a while and I'll be back shortly."

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