Chapter 56: Long Night

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"Ciao, ciao!" Celestino greeted, waving his hand.

"Um, hello," Yuuri replied.

"Come, sit," I said.

"Want some shrimp?" Victor asked picking a shrimp using a chopstick and showing it to Celestino.

Celestino began to speak, "Oh, that kind of food doesn't agree with me-" but then Victor moved the shrimp closer, cutting Celestino off. "It's really good!" He said.

Celestino then sat beside Phichit. We began eating and talking. It was actually just me, Victor, and Celestino who understand and talk about random stuff the youngsters won't understand. Loud waves of laughter and jokes of all kinds filled the air.

It wasn't until when the wine arrived that the three of us got louder and our topics became a little more nonsensical.

I didn't really plan on drinking a lot tonight but Victor kept pouring more on my glass. Whenever I decline, he gives me this cute pouty face, and boy, who could resist that? Too much alcohol began to seep in our systems and our minds come to a blur.

The temperature increased rapidly. I can feel the sleeves of my coat getting sweaty. "One moment," I said as I removed my coat, showing my sleeveless blouse, exposing my arms.

"That's more like it," Victor said and soon, he is already taking off his black jacket and then his shirt, revealing those abs. He turned to me and placed his arms around me. His lips never left my neck and his face never got far from mine. I looked sidewards to see that Celestino had already passed out.

Well, it seems like I'm the least drunk one between the three of us. "Victor!" I said as I push him off me. Things are escalating too quickly and they're now getting out of hand. Two other skaters came by and stopped in front of our table. If I'm not mistaken, it's Guang-Hong and Leo.

One moment, it was just Victor, Yuuri, and I enjoy some good food, and then Phichit arrives. He called Celestino, and a conversation has fired up between us adults and then came the alcohol, and now, Victor is half-naked and he is throwing his self on me in front of these young skaters.

"Oh, sorry," Yuuri apologized. "The coaches had way too much to drink."

"Let's go to a hot spring," Victor said as he finally pulled away from me to look at the young skaters.

"Celestino, keep it together!" Phichit desperately tries to bring poor Celestino back to consciousness.

"Hot spring... Hasetsu Hot Springs, great place..." Victor said as he leaned towards me and hugged me.

"Victor?" Yuuri turned around to look at us.

"What are you saying?" I asked in disbelief at how drunk my man is. Victor began fumbling with the zipper of his pants. I gasped and pulled his hands away from it. "Hey! Don't strip!" I told him but it was no use. He was able to take his hands off from my grasp and took his pants off.

"Victor!" I squealed. He went back to hugging me and kissing my neck. Heat rose up to my cheeks and I can feel that I look like a tomato right now.

"This is getting kind of R-rated..." Leo said, holding his camera up.

"Is it okay to post this online?" Guang-Hong asked.

"No posting anything online!" I scolded the two boys as I try to push Victor away.

"Hey! Someone help!" Yuuri starts to ask for some help. Thank you, Yuuri, that's a frikking great idea.

The staffs of the store were able to calm Victor down and took him to the comfort room to make him wear his clothes again. The other two skaters helped Phichit take Celestino out.

I sighed a breath of relief because everything seems to be going off good from this point on. "Yuuri, go get us some cab. I'll wait for Victor," I said. Yuuri nodded and did as told.

A moment later, Victor and two other staff came out. They were helping Victor walk since he couldn't do it properly. He is drunk as hell. "There is a cab waiting outside, could you take him there?" I asked. The two boys nodded and we made our way outside.

As we walk towards the exit, I slipped my white coat back on. Once we got there, the two boys placed Victor inside the car. I thanked them and apologized at the same time. I was about to pay them but they kindly declined. I went inside as well. Yuuri is sitting on the passenger's seat. He already told the driver our destination and before we knew it we're on our way back to the hotel.

The moment I sat in the car, I felt very very sleepy but I have to stay awake for the sake of Victor. I should've known things would come as far as this. I sighed and looked at the sleeping Victor. He is leaning against the door.

I moved closer and pulled him towards me. I let his head rest on my shoulder as I wrap my arm around him. My other hand found its way towards Victor's hair. I gently stroked it as I closed my eyes and listened to the soft music coming from the radio. "What a long night," I told myself.

A while later the car stopped. Yuuri and the driver went out to help Victor get into the hotel. Once they got him in, I thanked the driver, paid him, and told him that Yuuri and I got this. The driver nodded and immediately went away.

We used the elevator to get up quickly. As soon as we reached our unit, I took the keys out of my pocket and opened the door. We went in and laid Victor down on the bed. "Thanks, and sorry for the trouble," I told Yuuri.

Yuuri nodded and went to close the main door. He then immediately went to the other room. This unit we've booked is big since it has two bedrooms and a living area. I'm glad Minako picked this one out so it wouldn't be awkward for Yuuri to see Victor and I snuggling with each other on the bed.

I opened our suitcase to get some sleepwear since these clothes I'm wearing right now aren't suitable to sleep in. I changed into some pajamas then crawled on top of Victor to remove his jacket. I tried as carefully as I can to not wake him up.

Instead, he grabbed my wrists and pulled me down on top of him. He wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace. There's really nothing I can do right now but to sleep on top of him so, here we are.

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