Chapter 59: Storytelling

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Yuuri licked his lips as the music began and I'm telling you, boy, he was hot. He looked at us and smiled. Even the host was shocked because he clearly stuttered.

"K-Katsuki Yuuri from Japan is skating his first program of the Grand Prix series. The music is 'On Love: Eros.' He's declared this year's theme to be 'love.' Well, he's certainly changed drastically from previous seasons. Maybe living with his coaches, (y/n) and Victor, has changed things for him mentally. Katsuki told us he'd like to pursue eros in his short program."

"Perfect!" Victor and I said in unison at Yuuri's amazing step sequence. Victor threw his arm around me and pulled me closer as we watch Yuuri.

"Katsuki Yuuri has planned all his jumps for the second half of the program to get higher scores so he can win the Grand Prix Final. Well, this will be tough."

I know it's going to be tough but that's Katuski Yuuri, everyone! Of course, he can do that!

The second half is about to begin, and Yuuri's first jump is a triple axel. "Here we go, from a spread eagle into..." the host started, waiting if Yuuri would be able to do it.

And yes, I was right, he was able to do it perfectly. "...a triple axel," the host finished. Cheers have erupted from the audience.

"Nice height!" I said as I jump from anticipation.

"Okay, next up is a quadruple Salchow. In competition, he's landed it less than 30% of the time."

I bit my lip as I hope and wait for Yuuri to be able to land the salchow. "A quadruple Salchow," the host said as Yuuri was able to land it, full of grace.

"Yes!" I raised my fist up in the air and slapped the side of the rink playfully. "He nailed it!"

"A quadruple toe loop, followed by a triple toe loop. He did it! So far, all the jumps have been flawless!"

Everyone is seeing a totally different Yuuri from last year. The audience couldn't stop cheering and applauding, and I also couldn't stop myself from screaming and jumping. Victor would even have to hug me in place and put his chin on my head to make me stay still.

"He's about to complete a short program with the highest technical difficulty in the history of male's singles! The only skater who is able to complete a short program like this was one of Katsuki's coaches, (y/n) (l/n)!"

The audience roared in cheers at Yuuri as his program came to an end. "You're witnessing the birth of a new Katsuki Yuuri! Love wins! No one can deny that this was a perfect performance! The audience is still on their feet!" The host exclaimed.

Victor pulled away and let go of me. I screamed together with the audience and cheered on Yuuri. I jumped a lot like a little kid because of the joy that is bubbling within me to the point that I almost tripped. Luckily, Victor was there to catch me.

His hands are placed on my waist as we look into each other. I have a big grin on my face and so does he. Without a second thought, Victor leaned in and kissed my lips. The kiss was short but it was happy just like how happy we are for Yuuri.

Gifts are thrown inside the rink as Yuuri bowed to everyone. "He used last season's disappointment as a springboard to learn what love is, and he's undergone an astounding transformation!"

"That was perfect!" I told Victor once we pulled away from the kiss. "Yuuri!" Victor and I called.

He got out of the rink, and I engulfed him in a big bear hug. "Yuuri, that was so good!" Victor joined in the hug, squishing me between him and Yuuri. I handed his tracksuit happily then we made our way towards the cameras

The gifts were given to us. Yuuri picked the big onigiri stuffed toy and hugged it as we wait for the results. My arm is thrown around Yuuri's shoulder. Victor is smiling and waving at the cameras.

"Well, his coaches, (y/n) and Victor, look very happy!" The host said.

"Yuuri, did it feel that great?" Victor asked.

"Well, I was hoping everyone else felt great watching me," Yuuri answered.

"Great? Great is no match for that, you were the best!" I said.

Yuuri's score suddenly flashed on the screen. His technical elements were 58.91, and his presentation was 47.93, and that gives us 106.84!

"And we have his short program score: 106.84!" The host said. "A new personal best! He's currently in first place!"

Both Victor and I clapped. I turned sidewards and hug Yuuri, pulling him close to me. "Of course, they'd feel great watching a performance like that," Victor said as he ruffled Yuuri's damped in sweat hair. "You're the best student," I added.

Victor and I stood up and went somewhere the cameras couldn't reach for Yuuri's moment on cam. I threw my arms around Victor and hugged him tightly. He hugged back and kissed my forehead.

Victor and I headed back in the lounge to watch the next program and to give Yuuri his time shining.

"Georgi's next, right? I asked. Victor and I stood in front of the television, hand in hand. Victor nodded in response. "Let's see how the new top in Russia does things."

"Georgi Popovich, age 27, from Russia. This season's theme is 'heartbreak.' The music is 'Carabosse' from The Sleeping Beauty."

"Oh, I heard he broke up with the ice dancer he always used to post kissy photos with. She hooked up with a different guy recently," Victor said.

"Oh, that's sad. Georgi deserved a better woman! He's a really good guy, you know." I frowned. That explains his season's theme.

Georgi is also one of those who are good at portraying the story he has in mind as he skates. We're good friends, I may say. He's one of my boy best friends. We've helped each other with the storytelling thing when we skate. Let's see what he's about to tell.

He is an evil witch and he named himself after the title of the song, Carabosse. As the evil witch, he cast a curse upon her, his ex. Only true love's kiss can awaken her. "But there is no such thing as true love!" Is what he's trying to say.

Poor Georgi, he is so bitter right now. But man, he is performing great! What an emotional performance. I saw a few droplets of water fly off as he does his spin. He's actually crying and I feel bad.

He'll hunt Anya to the ends of the earth, he'll find him. "Forgive me, I was wrong, Georgi." "Never, you traitor!"

I can almost hear her terrified voice. Man, Georgi's really way into this performance. His step sequence is so intense.

He will cast an eternal curse on her. He is an evil witch! His curse will cause her to sleep for eternity.

And with that, his program is done. I'm sure a lot of people's legs shook from the emotional intensity of his program. This is a performance worthy of who he is.

"Georgi Popovich's short program score is 98.17. He is currently in second place."

Well, Georgi, at least that heartbreak helped you reach second place. "I'll go congratulate him," I told Victor. Victor had a look of doubt in his face but he let me go anyways.

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