Chapter 41: On My Love

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Victor and I switched, it was now his turn to rest and it's now my turn to teach Yuuri. After a few more tries, he was finally able to do the jump correctly. "Finally!" I said. I placed my hands on my knees, catching my breath.

After a short while, I stood straight and looked at Yuuri. "Repeat it a couple more times so you'd remember."

Yuuri nodded and did the jump again and again. He got it now and I'm happy. First because of course, he learned the jump, and second, we might as well call this a day now.

The sound of another skate coming behind me caught my attention. Before I turn around, a pair of arms wrapped around me. I already know who it was.

Victor rested his head on my shoulder. "Let's call this a day now," he whispered. Finally, the words I'm dying to hear. A surge of energy ran through my body by the very thought that I'd be soon reunited with our bed.

I broke free of Victor's arms and clapped my hands. "Let's call this a day!" I said enthusiastically as I raise my right fist up into the air.

We got out of the rink and packed our things. I packed mine twice as fast as the two boys did. It seems like I'm the only one excited to go back and jump on our bed.

Quickly after we packed our stuff, we walked out and bid our goodbyes to the Nishigori family. I ran down the set of stairs and waited for the two boys to get down. It seems like they are taking their time, though.

"Hurry!" I shouted. Both boys hurried their pace and they've both got down in no time. They hopped on to their bikes and as usual, I rode with Victor.

My head rests on his chest as the gentle breeze lulls me to sleep. I fought the sleepiness that is taking over me because me sleeping here would make it harder for both Victor and I. Who knows, we might even lose balance, fall, and get hit by a car or something.

We got back to Hasetsu, and immediately, I ran upstairs without waiting for Victor and jumped on our bed and it never seemed as soft as this before. "Is this bed really this soft?" I asked to no one in particular. I turned my head to the side so my voice wouldn't be muffled by the pillow.

Sleeping with these clothes that are drenched in sweat won't be comfortable. As much as I don't want to get up, I did anyway, to change into my sleepwear: an oversized, purple shirt and red leggings with some random patterns printed on it. I jumped back to our bed, ready to get taken over by sleep.

A short while later, Victor jumped on the bed beside me, him doing the same. I also heard Makkachin bark and jump on the bed to lie down beside me. "This was quite an exhausting day," he said. I couldn't do more but to nod. I feel like my energy and my mind is slowly drifting away from my body. I felt Victor's arms wrap around me as well as the void of sleep embracing me.


I heard heavy footsteps getting closer and closer but I decided to ignore them. I tried to drift back to sleep but then the doors slid open. "Victor, (y/n), listen!" Yuuri said.

Why the heck get into our room at frikking, I don't know what time it is. Victor groaned and sat up. Yuuri ran and jumped on our bed, accidentally stepping on Makkachin.

Poor little Makkachin yelped at the pressure of Yuuri's foot on his tail. He squirmed his body towards me. I pulled him close and hugged him tightly, giving him reassurance that I'm here.

"Oops, sorry!" Yuuri apologized but it seems like he is more focused on what he is about to tell us. This better be good.

Victor's arm around me slid down and he reached for the lamp on our bedside table. The light flickered on, making me look away from it. He wrapped his arm around me again after turning the lamp on.

"The music for the free program's done." Yuuri placed his laptop down on Victor's lap and gave us one of the earphone buds. I took the one given to me and placed it on my right ear, while Victor placed his on his left one.

I closed my eyes and placed my head on Victor's shoulder. Beautiful music filled my ear and it was as if all my annoyance because of being woken up from my beauty sleep is starting to fade away.

Slowly, I opened my eyes to meet Yuuri's. His eyes seem to be looking for answers, for opinions in mine. I smiled and nudged Victor. Victor sat up straight and gave Yuuri a nod of agreement.

After the song was finished, my annoyance returned and I shooed Yuuri away. Victor turned the light off and wrapped both of his arms around me again. Makkachin squirmed out of my grasp and he moved back beside our legs. Luckily it wasn't long before I drifted back to sleep.


"Let's go!" I said enthusiastically as I held Victor's hand and pulled him along. "Pretty fired up today, huh?" Victor kissed my cheek. He removed the chains of his bike and took it out.

I rode with Victor and we made our way to Ice Castle. His lips were placed on my head all the way there. I hugged myself as the morning breeze, which seems to be cooler than usual goes against us. My gray sweatshirt is doing a good job of protecting me from the cold.

Once we've reached Ice Castle, I told Yuuri to go warm-up and even practice some of the jumps we taught yesterday while Victor and I plan about Yuuri's program.

Victor held out a small notepad, taking notes every once in a while as we plan Yuuri's program out. "A quadruple toe loop would be a nice last jump. You know, for more impact," I suggested.

"That sounds good. I'm sure Yuuri can pull it off with his stamina," Victor replied. We continued to talk about which would be better for the program.

After a while, we finally agreed and called Yuuri's attention. He got out of the rink and stood beside us. The three of us leaned on the side of the rink to talk about the plans Victor and I made. "If you want more impact, maybe the last jump can be a quadruple toe loop?" Victor stated as he tapped the notepad with his pen.

"Huh? For the last one?" Yuuri asked.

"With your stamina, I think you can pull it off. You'd rather not?" I replied and looked Yuuri in the eye.

"I'll do it!" Yuuri said. Victor gave Yuuri the notepad and the two of us started to walk away.

We've walked a few steps when I remembered something and I stopped in my tracks. Victor accidentally bumped me from behind. "What's wrong?" He asked.

I turned around to look at Yuuri. "Did you change the musical theme?" I asked.

"Oh, umm..." Yuuri began.

"What is it?" Victor asked.

"The theme is 'on my love'," Yuuri answered confidently which made me smile.

"That's the best theme," I said.

"Perfect," Victor agreed.

"Okay, let's finish this!" Victor and I said in unison.

"Yeah!" Yuuri replied with the same enthusiasm as ours.

Soon, the three of us found ourselves in the rink. I stood with Victor at one side of the rink while Yuuri stood in the middle. We decided not to play the music yet, so I counted backward from three to one and clapped my hands together to signify the start.

At the sound of my hands together, Yuuri immediately began. His moves are a lot more graceful than before and although without the music, you can already feel the emotions that dwell within him.

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