Chapter 38: Stay With Me

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The sky looks very beautiful as the sun's about to set. The sky has now turned orange and it spreads as far as our eyes can see. Victor held my hand tight. The evening breeze embraces the two of us as we walk back to Yu-Topia.

Small moments like this are my favorite. We would just talk about random kinds of stuff. We'd just walk around with my fingers entwined with his.

Back when Victor and I used to skate, we couldn't get moments like this. We're both so busy. We both have training, photoshoots, interviews and a lot more. Our managers would always take us away from each other. But now things are changing so fast. This is quite a challenge, I have to say but I know I'm not alone. I looked to my side at Victor. He glanced back and we both smiled at each other.

I gazed back up at the sky. Oh, how beautiful the world becomes when you're around the person you love.

We can see Yu-Topia in the distance now. But I don't want to end this moment yet. I pulled Victor's hand to get his attention. He looked at me and hummed in response.

"Let's go by the bridge and watch the ocean," I said. "Is it okay? I want to stay like this a little longer."

Victor smiled. "I knew you'd say something like that."

We walked past Yu-Topia and onto the bridge. We walked towards the center of the bridge where there is a platform that sticks a little bit farther out.

I placed my hands over the handrails and looked at the beautiful view in front of us. The sun is almost touching the horizon.

Victor threw his arm over my shoulder and kissed my temple. I smiled as I moved closer to him. "See the sunset? It's pretty, but it has no match for your beauty," Victor said. His gaze switched from the sunset to me.

I feel the heat rise up to my cheeks. My heartbeat a little faster. Victor knows me so well. He knows how to make my heart jump for joy in seconds.

Victor moved behind me. He wrapped his other arm around me as well, hugging me from behind. He leaned closer and rested his elbows on the handrail of the bridge in front of me. And we're just here. I'm wrapped inside the arms of Victor, as we watch the sunset and disappear into the horizon.

"The sky has changed from orange to a hundred shades pink, to a dark navy blue, and here I am still loving you," I said as I turned around to kiss his cheek.

"I want to stay here, with you, and never leave your side," Victor said as he placed his chin on my shoulder. "May I stay by your side?"

I smiled because of the happiness bursting inside of me. "Stay with me," I said, turning around to kiss his lips. How I love moments like this as well, where there are no gaps between us. My body is fully embraced by him, and the feeling of his soft lips on mine. I couldn't ask for more.

The kiss lasted for a short while but it is filled with love. I wrapped my arms around Victor and rested my head on his chest. His heart beats a little faster, but almost in sync with mine. We stayed like that a little bit longer until the skies got dark.

Victor kissed the top of my head before letting go. "I think it's time to go back now," he said. I nod my head in agreement. I am happy about how this day went. It has been quite a long day, although I spent half of it sleeping.

We walked back to Yu-Topia with our hands together. He slid the door open for me to get in first and I did. He entered and slid the door close behind him.

I started to walk in. "Are you hungry?" I asked and looked back at him.

"Are you?"

"No, are you? Do you want to eat?"

"Do you?"

"You! I'm asking you!" I chuckled. Stop answering my questions with questions.

"I'm not hungry."

"I'm not as well. Let's just go to sleep."

I grabbed his hand and we made our way upstairs, and into our room. We changed into our sleeping wear and immediately went to bed.

"Thank you for today," I said as I lay down. Victor turned to face me and hug me. "Today has been great!" He says. I smiled and kissed his forehead, "Indeed." It was not long until both Victor and I drifted to sleep.

*The next day...

"Come on boy!" I said as I run around the block with Makkachin. Makkachin barks every once in a while as he runs after me. Just a few more meters til we reach Yu-Topia. Jogging feels great in this outfit I'm wearing. I'm wearing my black high top rubber shoes, gray joggers and gray jumper hoodie with black sleeves. What I like about this outfit is that the jumper hoodie is kind of like a crop top where a small part of my belly is exposed. I'm quite glad I am still able to maintain my body in good shape even though I've quit skating.

I slowed down until we've reached Hasetsu. Makkachin stopped behind me and barked. I turned around and smiled at him. I sat in front of him and hugged him. "Who's the good boy, Makkachin, who is?" I said as he lies down in front of me. I rubbed his belly and what can I say? He is one cute little poodle.

"Let's get inside," I said and made my way back to Yu-Topia. I slid the door open but it feels as if someone is also sliding it open. Once the door was opened, I see Mari on the other side. "Oh, hey Mari!" I said. She is standing on the inside, holding the door as well.

"(Y/n)-san! Good morning," she greeted. I gave her a smile and greeted back, "Good morning to you too, Mari!" Makkachin barked and walked towards Mari. She knelt down and played with Makkachin for a short while. "I remember Vicchan," she said.

Vicchan: Yuuri's pet poodle before. Yuuko has mentioned this to me before. I can sense that the atmosphere is about to get awkward so I went ahead and asked, "Is Yuuri awake now?" Mari looked up at me and stood. "You didn't come across him?" She asked. I shook my head in response. I don't remember seeing him this morning.

Mari hummed and said, "Yuuri went out minutes before you arrived. I think he is heading to Hasetsu early today."

Wow, Yuuri's going to Hasetsu unusually early today. "I see, thank you!" I said and walked past her. I better go get my skates and head to Hasetsu as well. I carried Makkachin up the stairs and placed him down in our room. "Stay," I said. I headed towards the closet to get my skates and bag. Before going out, I looked towards Victor and smiled. He is as cute as ever.

I headed downstairs and outside. I placed my bag inside the basket of the bike. I positioned myself on the bike and headed out, towards Hasetsu. I made my way to Hasetsu fast because if Yuuri is in spirits today, so should I.

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