Chapter 78: Home Rink

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In the midst of the conversation between the three of us, I had to excuse myself so I could update Victor. "Excuse me for a while," I said as I stood and made my way out of the living room.

As soon as I was a good distance away from the living room, I took out my phone and scrolled through my contacts again til I reached Victor's number. I was about to press the call button when I remembered what he said, "Don't call once you think I'm at (y/n)'s house."

Well he's probably there by now, more or less. I sent him a message instead.

Victor Nikiforov

Hey! (Y/n) has finished
eating. I think she'll be off
any moment

Wait! Hold her back
a little more!

What the heck is Victor up to? I placed my phone back in my pocket then walked back into the living room.

"Well then, I think I should get going," (y/n) said as she stood up. "I really had a good time here and the pirozhkis are great!"

"Wait!" I half screamed. (Y/n) and grandpa looked at me as if I have two heads.

"What's wrong, Yuri?" Grandpa asked.

I was caught there off guard and I don't know what to say. "Umm," I said as I think of a way to make (y/n) stay here a bit longer.

"R-remember our home rink here in Moscow?" I asked (y/n).

She nodded, "Yea!"

"Well, let's go visit it!" I said, unsure if what I'm doing is going to be effective. I don't even know why I'm helping Victor in the first place.

(Y/n)'s eyes sparkled and she replied, "Wow, Yuri, that's a great idea!"

I internally sighed because she agrees on doing so. "We'll be out for a bit, grandpa," I said.

"Take care, you two. And Yuri, wear a jacket, it's cold outside," grandpa replied.

I told (y/n) to wait for me here in the living room as I went upstairs into my room to get a jacket. I took the one I bought back in Japan and wore it. Before going down, I messaged Victor.

Victor Nikiforov

(Y/n) and I's paying a
visit to our home rink.

That's great! Take
your time!

Tsk! Whatever you're
doing, it better be
worth my time.

It is, it is. Thanks
again, Yuri.

And what I'm doing
isn't free! You better
pay me.

With that, I went back downstairs and saw (y/n) fiddling with her phone. "Let's go?" I said, more like asked, to be honest.

She looked up at me and nodded. We went to the front door but before going out, I said goodbye to grandpa. (Y/n) did as well and thanked him for the pirozhki.

"Do you guys want me to drive you there?" Grandpa asked.

"That'll be gre—" (y/n) said but I cut her off.

"We'll be fine on our own, grandpa. Besides you look tired from making all those pirozhkis. Just sit back here and relax," I said.

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