4. Northern

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Please read: Northern is equivalent to USA. Western is equivalent to England. The accent would correspond the same way. However, the map would be drawn differently
Naya's P.O.V.

My mother cried her eyes out when my last suitcase was loaded in the back of my dad's Rover. Luckily, Macey started crying for no apparent reason which made us all laugh -apart from Ocean- lightening the mood.

I sat with Macey next to the window. I was slightly annoyed that he didn't sit next to me.

"Wait, don't you want to sit next to Macey." I wondered looking at the boarding pass.

"We have some logistics to look over from the meeting before we announce it to the pack." Aaron replied with a smile. I dramatically narrowed my eyes at him.

"Really? Macey, ask him why he isn't sitting next to you?" Mates couldn't lie to each other.

"Why aren't you sitting next to me?" She put her elbow on my shoulder.

"We have things to look over." Ocean replied this time making me my eyes turn into slits.

I asked Macey about it while the boys fell asleep for a while on the plane. They seemed exhausted. According to Macey they always talked telepathically throughout their stay at Greenville and stayed up most of the night talking "logistics".

I was sick and tired of hearing excuses. My intuitions were screaming at me but one thing over powered my senses. The need to shift. The crick in my neck wasn't obtained from the sitting position. 

We were flying first class, pull out beds with separate partitions. No matter how much I tried to get some sleep I physically couldn't.

Also knowing their time difference, I really needed to get some in because our flight might have left at 6 am for Western Hemisphere time but for the Northern, it was only 12 at night. Therefore, even with the 10 hours' journey, we'd get there by 10am. 

Are you kidding me. Groaning at my calculations I turned to face Macey who was fast asleep. After taking a picture of her drooling open mouth face I tried to get comfortable but still couldn't.

The wolf wanted out.

I also wanted my mate. This needy, clingy obsession was bad for my mental health. Yup, I'm going crazy.

I stayed awake through the whole journey. I was growling at the littlest disruptions. One of Ocean's enforcers came to pick us up. Lyon seemed slightly confused to see me. 

I wondered if Ocean had told his guards about me. His lead Enforcer was in charge while they were gone. Lyon was one of the fighters. He had a gun holstered to his belt.

Guns weren't allowed where we lived but according to Macey, it was available here. I've been here before.

 I came to Northern a couple of times for the Annual Gala since I was a kid but I've never visited his town. 

Darkwood. I had been to Hex Law to visit but that was a whole Forest and 4 State away and had their own Airport.

We landed in Glassco a state next to Darkwood. It was a two-hour drive but it was worth it. After one hour we entered a territory that was covered with pine trees. The tree tops and ground were covered with snow. It was so beautiful I wanted to cry. It felt like I was home. The windows became foggy.

I tried to clear a small section of it so I could marvel at the beautiful serenity. I've seen the pictures Macey had shown me but she lived outside of the compound until a couple of weeks ago.

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