Epilogue (1)

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Naya's P.O.V.
1 month later...

"Do you want me to shut the window?" Ocean rubbed my bare back as I sat up. The wind howled outside, rain beat against the walls. The full bloomed branches brushed against each other like swords.

"No I like the cold air. It feels amazing not to feel the chills again." I pulled the blanket up to cover my chest. My hair didn't reach past my waist anymore, it ended in layers just past my shoulders. Ocean didn't appreciate that I shopped it off but it wasn't his call to make. Unconsciously, I had the same hair style for centuries, I needed a damn change.

Ocean's hair was back to how I remember seeing it the first time I met him. All nearly buzzed along the sides, and longer on the top. His short stubbles left graze marks on my neck, chest and inner thighs.

"Are you hungry?" I got out of bed, put on his discarded shirt on that ended half away down my thighs.

He lazily yawned. "Always" he said, rubbing his naked chest.

"What do you want to eat?" It was the middle of the night and we'd been going at each other for hours.

He didn't wait much longer to mark me after we returned from Tiscan. Macey was pissed that I didn't tell her but she understood that Lea could have still been working with the Darkling. She wasn't mad at Aaron or Ocean anymore but she was still feisty as ever.

Everything downstairs was covered with darkness. I turned on the lamps, soft light steamed down to the kitchen. It was half stocked with fresh food and half tapware containers. I cooked whenever I wasn't working. Sometimes, Ocean would came home with me, help me set up and even cook without burning the house down.

"What are we having?" He started setting plates and glasses on the island instead of the table. We hardly ate there.

"Beef stew and mash potato and some left over vegees." I started to microwave everything. "Your back looks like it was mauled by a bear." Open flesh was closing one by one. There were too many to close at once.

"Yes, I was there." I smiled at his comment, remembering our passionate nights from Asyut. Leaning over I pecked his back muscles, just above his shoulder blades, the furthest I could reach. He seemed to smile more often now and became more affectionate.

"Smartass." I smack his butt cheek. Quickly turning, he snatched me into his arms and took my mouth hungrily. We grabbed at each other, our lips grazing against one another desperately. We both had a high libido but late nights and early mornings were wearing us down but we didn't care.

"I love you Ocean." I needed to confess.

"I love you too Naya." The microwaved dinged. "I love you too." He couldn't stop saying it since we got back from Tiscan.

I sat side ways on the stool, allowing my bare knees to touch his thighs. His pecs had bites marks on them and biceps too but not as many as before. I gingerly touched the scar on his neck that he wore it with pride.

"Do you remember how you marked me in our last life?" We'd been speaking about all the lives we remembered. I remembered it all but he remembered a lot more than he let on.

Shaking his head, he picked up the mashed potato with the edge of his fork, dripping with gravy. "I remembered seeing you laying on your bed from your previous life. I thought you were dead. Then I realised what I did."

"That wasn't the only time you nearly marked me early." I taunted him. He was a quiet person and loved listening to our stories from previous lives. His eyes widened, the tilt of his chin allowed me to carry on.

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