14. Sorry

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Naya's P.O.V.
Red Mount 1990 

 "I know you can feel my emotions, just like I can feel yours." I felt him smile against my lips before he pecked it softly.

"Why... that's not supposed to happen yet." I stated trying to hide the quiver in my voice.

"Because you're mine... and I'm yours..." He moved his head back to look me in the eyes. He looked confident. "You know only our mates can fuck with our brains and drive us crazy..." He brought one of his hands down to my waist and the other one settled on my cheek. "I can resist every single temptation on earth except you..."

He stepped closer and pressed his glistening skin against my body. The pressure made me feel like I wasn't wearing the little beige silk nightgown that I knew drove him crazy. "Tell me you don't feel what I feel every time I make love to you... tell me you don't feel when I'm in pain..." His grip on my waist tightened, forehead rested on mine.

"Ocean..." I choked out his name not knowing what to say. "You... we need to stop this because I might not-"

"Then I don't care..." He spoke through gritted teeth before pressing his body violently against mine. "I don't care who my mate would be, I'll still come to you... just like you will come to me..." His position remained the same as before. "Even when you find your fucking mate, I'll take you away from him... and I'll make love to you like it's your first time all over again... and I'll make you forget about his name..." Each time he paused, he planted soft feather kisses on my lips.

"Ocean, you know in the history of werewolves, a mate has never cheated on their mate? You will forg-"

"DON'T." His whisper infused with a shout, involuntary made me close my eyes. "Don't you dare say that...You're my first everything... and I promise to make you my last everything ... just run away with me Naya..."

"Then what if you find your mate there?" I asked with a cold voice.

"I'll never leave you..." He was still prepping open mouth kisses on my lips as I spoke.

"Ocean..." I warned.

"Run away with me Naya..." He offered again grazing his thumb across my bottom lip before pulling it gently with his teeth.

"Ocean... you're the future alpha... you have responsibilities..." I stated causing him to chuckle.

"You're such a Female Alpha..." He smiled against my neck before kissing the spot where my mark should be.

"Ocean... You're gonna end up hurting your mate." I stated.

"I don't care... all I care about is you." He brought his head back up to look into my eyes once again. My heart swelled up when the silver moonlight escaped through my windows, settling itself on the right side of his face, highlighting the navy hue around his pupils.

"What about my mate?" I asked causing his face to solidify, his grip on my waist tightened painfully.

"I'll kill him..." His simple answer made my heart drop out of my chest and I struggled against his grip. "No other man is fucking touching you."

"Get the FUCK OFF ME." I whisper screamed knowing if anyone heard they'll will come charging in with their k-9 and claws out. My blood was boiling and everything around me started to revolve in anger.

"No... You're mine... ONLY MINE." His grip on my body tightened and his lips came crashing down on mine.

"I HATE YOU." I shoved his chest with my palms as hard as I could but he didn't even move a muscle. "How DARE you say that about my mate or yours? How would I feel if I found out that MY mate was talking like this to another girl about me... and that he was planning on cheating on me behind my back?" I kept pushing him away until he was finally off me and out of my personal space.

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