12.5 Ocean's P.O.V.

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Ocean's P.O.V.

Loud annoying buzz replaced the beeping noise that kept monitored her heart beats. The monitor with zigzag line was now flat. Blood soared into my ear as the commotion around me intensified. 

I saw black spots everywhere, swaying dizzily on my feet. Numbness consumed me when the head nurse pushed me back making me let go of her delicate hands.

I wanted to die.

I hadn't left her sight once since I she lost her wolf. I couldn't feel her presence anymore and the only confirmation of her well being that satisfied me was visual validation. 

But my eyes were playing tricks. Adeya used the defibrillator to jump start her heart but failed. The iciness of her skin lingered in my warm hands. I needed to... I...

I didn't know what to do.

Her parents rushed in, her mothers' wails bounced against white walls. I found myself at the main door when Macey and Aaron rushed in. They said something to me but all I heard was white noise. 

Was she hearing this white noise constantly? No wonder she broke down in tears. She was such a strong person, a rightful Alpha and a perfect mate and I ruined it all.

I saw Josh waving his hands around in front if my face, tried to shake me but I didn't understand why. A.J. and Levi were there looking grim, the word Dissociative State was being passed around my head Why was everyone crying? 

I walked further in to the woods and carried on walking. It was a New Moon, cloaking everything with darkness. Couple of my Elite team followed me, wondering what I was doing.

I didn't know what I was doing.

Naya. Home, I needed to home. She usually waited up for me but sometimes I was deliberately late. My reason for keeping her in the dark seemed ridiculous. No one could handle a situation better than her, all posed and elegant.

My heart throbbed in pain. I needed to home to Naya. Maybe she cooked for me again and this time around I wouldn't have to eat it alone because she fell asleep on the sofa, waiting for me. 

After the first time, we had dinner together, she tried so hard for us to connect. Maybe she can run her fingers through my hair again and lulled me to the best sleep ever since my parents died.

I should introduce her to my parents. They would love her. When she saw the picture of them for the first time she commented on the similarities between me and my father. But my father was a loving caring man who shared everything with his mate. 

He was a funny and loyal. I was neither of those. I became cold and distant after they were murdered. I still remember their blood in my hands, they just wouldn't stop bleeding.

I didn't notice the sniper up on a tree, I only felt the bullet that scratched my throat, searing my vocal chords on its way. Only problem was that bullet went through Avion's heart first before it touched me. 

Lyon killed the sniper instantly but the damage was already done. That's when we decided to rely on guns and not our abilities.

I was the reason why Adeyas' son died, wasn't able to protect my wonderful parents who died holding each other.

And my mate.

I gulped.

The house in front of me was pitch black. Usually when I got home, the soft light of the lamps from the living room would welcome me. I wanted to hear about her day instead of finding it out from other people. I stalked my mate even when she was under my roof. But it was black.

Why would it be like that. Josh walked out of the front door, tears streaming down his face. His loud sobs filled the quiet night. He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand before following the direction I came from.

She wasn't in the house.

She was back at the clinic.


I dropped on the ground, pebbles and sticks bit into my knees. When numbness and the noise subsided, the silence attacked me. The pain squeezed my throat, cutting away my air supply. She couldn't be dead. I had so much more to tell her, so much more to know about her. My stomach clenched urging me to puke but nothing came out.

I threw head back and roared, angry at whoever was allowing this to happen to us. I clawed at my chest and drew blood, trying to stop the ache. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't think. I didn't want to live.

My mate was dead.


A howl cut through the moon,
A wolf crying out in pain.
A night so bright, stars in line,
An alpha who lost his mate.

Spirits in disarray, 
Balance beginning to tip.
Good VS Evil, only one prevail,
Nature began to weep.

For centuries fate re-created them, 
Only they can restore the peace.
A crime committed by darkness,
Only light can banish its yield.

A light they carried, so pure and true,
A love that could allure.
But how can they win?
When one is dead and they are, no more.

Only He, who shall fight, 
Fight the darkness and death.
Whoever they shall be,
For his mate and for his right.

Will he win against all odds or, 
Will he lose his soul? 
The one that is bound to her,
That's knocking on deaths door.

A howl scratched across the stars, 
A wolf begging for another chance.
A night full of wishes and spirits
An alpha ready to battle with fate.

I just need you guys to know that the story isn't over yet. How? I mean it is a supernatural world and Sam and Dean never really died, do they? We are just going for a trip from now on with Naya and Ocean. 

What kind of trip? You'll figure it out on my next update. I promise. Let me know what you guys think will happen. 

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