6. Chivalry

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Naya's P.O.V.

The Pack House was barn style three story building. Snow covered the ground around it. Mountains on the far end zigzagged across the horizon. 

The tree tops danced along to the wind. There were numerous people outside. I felt over dressed in a hoodie and full length jeans. The land around the barn was flat with hardly any snow on it. 

Men and some women dressed in black shorts and tank tops formed a circle. Cheers and applause rang through in chorus.

"COME ON." A high pitched female cry tore through the other voices.


"This is so embarrassing."

"Hit 'em low. HIT 'EM LOW."

They were all men.

My lips lifted at their savage enthusiasm. When we finally emerged from the trees and walked up the gravelly road, I found two people sparring in the middle, rolling around on ground. 

A tall female versus a large bulky male. On the other side of the barn, women huddled around in groups while children played in the playground.

It looked an extravagant tree house with swings, slides, grid ropes, bridges and tunnels. It was amazing. I wondered about school. It was the middle of the week. 

Kids and teenagers roamed freely around the ground. I guess it was the hub of the community. Some of them noticed us. The whispers started. I didn't want them to know about my foolish mistake I made yesterday. 

Put one of their pack members in danger. That was not a smart decision.

I was second guessing my decision to come out here.

Luckily, Aaron's dad was among the brawlers. His head snapped back to us as we moved forward. Macey made her way towards the 6 feet of a man with similar features to Aaron. Joshua stayed with me. His rifle seemed out of place.

"Macey- Naya oh goddess I heard." He looked ecstatic. A couple of people turned from the circle but everyone else was glued to what was going on in front of them. They kept on cheering.

"Steven, it's so good to see you." Macey was engulfed by a bear hug. She adored her mate's side of the family.

"Mr. Drakos, it's nice to see you again." I extended my hand forward.

"Oh come here." He pulled me into a hug- somewhat awkward form my part. "We're practically family."

"How are you? It's been a while." Macey stood on the side next to both of us.

"We're good. I've just been training those mutts. I wish I could say everything was all well and good but unfortunately it isn't." He stuck his hands into his shorts' pocket.

"I know. I'm sorry." I sent a silent prayer to the spirits about yesterday. Hopefully Ocean kept his words and didn't tell anybody.

"What are you guys doing here." He asked.

"I've hardly seen the main sectors and this is her first time here so we Joshua is giving us a tour." Macey explained.

"Joshua, when Ocean told me you're on security details I didn't know you were going to be with my son's mate." He didn't seem pleased with Joshua. His friendly smile morphed into a disapproving frown.

"Commander." Joshua on the other hand acted a little smug.

"SO, like she said. We couldn't wait to explore." I tried to get his attention back on anything but Joshua.

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