20. Cloak

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Naya's POV
Red Mount 1990

"I finally found a witch who's willing to do a spell that can cloak you guys from the Darkling. It's a simple blood ritual. It will cloak you form the spirit world so he can't find you. You can carry on living your life."

We asked her meet us on neutral ground. The city was the best place. Red Mount had a huge mall right in the centre. We arrived at 5 to find Elina keenly waiting for us. After making small talks we jumped straight into the real reason why we agreed to meet her.

"You can do that?"

"Sorrence witches, they might not be as strong as the ones who sealed the castle gates but they still have cloaking powers." She handed a couple of stained yellow papers with scribbles on it. "That's why the darkling has a hard time finding them often, that's why not everyone from the ancient clan is dead."

"I don't think we have witches here." We knew vampires resided in Pavillion up North but other than that, we assumed werewolves were the only ones who lived in Red Mount.

"Tiscan. There are still a handful of witches who lives there. Under heavy protection. Just like the castle." She explained.

There were many creatures living in Tiscan that no one knew about unlike Red Mount.

"I want to do this before my birthday. I want to get this over and done with so he can't find us. How does he find us?"

"I'm not 100% sure but I know that if witches aren't cloaked, he can find them also. So, if you are, then he can't find you. Like he can't find the castle."

"So you're saying with a talisman or a cloaking spell, he physically won't be able to see us." Lea asked.

"Yes. He could walk right past you but won't feel your aura. It happened with some witches and they are still alive. He's powerful but I don't think he has spells and potions like the witches."

My head was throbbing from all this information. I wanted nothing to do with the Darkling, I didn't even know the motherfucker.

"So when can we meet this witch?" I asked.

"I need her to come here. I don't want go to Tiscan again. It took us hours to get there and back the second time. Also, Naya isn't feelings too well. Which is totally my fault, so try

"She doesn't like cites." Elina countered.

"There's a whole forest between Red Mount and Darkwood. She can meet us at the edge of it." Ocean's grandfather, was close to the former alpha of Darkwood. His son, Marcus Deveraux took over recently.

"I can do that. I'll coordinate with her and take you guys there?" She putting her papers back in her bag.

"Yes, let us know and we'll be there." Ocean took my hand in his and held it tightly and I doubted he had any intention of letting it go any time soon. 

It was dark by the time Elina arrived. A week had gone by and I was getting even more anxious. I wanted know meet this witch. I had to believe that the witches were on our side because their ancestor helped us kill this Darklings' beloved. I wondered if they were mates but mates were given to us after.

"Do you realise, if all this is true, we chose to love each other without mating bond." I pointed out. Ocean, Elina and I walked further into the forest. The perfect full moon illuminated our surroundings.

"With a sexy piece of ass like that, I wonder why." He laughed when I playfully slapped his arm. The fact that he still had a sense of humour was comforting. His grip on my hand never faltered. "I told you before all these crazy things happened. I'll always choose you."

Elina walked ahead of us, pretending to not hear our conversation.

"Do you remember when we were about 7 and I went to feed you cake and smothered your face with the damn piece." I knew he was trying to get my racing heart to slow down by bringing up old memories.

"I was so sure you did it on purpose."

"Who the fuck trips over their own foot. Do you know how mad I was at myself for making you cry on your damn princess birthday?" I finally laughed. He had a good memory. He ruined my perfect fluffy pink dress and a tiara.

"And then you give me a blue or purple orchids to make it up. Which, of course, had a bee hiding in there somewhere and it stung me." He threw his head back and laughed. His voice was comforting, so I leaned into him.

"Grandpops always knew you were mine." I adored his Grandpop. He was the only gentle alpha I had ever met. He was exceptionally smart and I think his knowledge humbled him instead of making him a tyrant.

A very earthy scent hit my senses. We kept going, following our senses when we finally came upon a small clearing. There was a massive dead tree trunk near where she was standing. She looked nervous and twitchy.

Never a good combination for a powerful witch. I'd never met a witch before in my life so I didn't know what exactly I was expecting from her. I honestly was kicking myself for trusting this stranger but it made sense to why we'd feel each other's' emotion. If we didn't, there's no way I would have believed her.

"This is Shaya, her ancestors were a part of the Ancient Tiscan clan." 

Thank you for reading this. I hope you're ready for what's to come in the next two chapters. Don't forget to vote and comment. This chapter was edited by Zoriey and 

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