8.5 Help

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Naya's P.O.V. Parallel to chapter 9 and 9.5.

A dark shadowy figure appeared, from nowhere, in the middle of the road. Black cloak covered him from head to toe. He didn't look like a hunter but Josh already had his gun out. My heart thumbed in my chest. The windows were tinted and thicker than usual making me wonder if it was bulletproof.

"I don't sense anyone else." He mumbled out loud.

"What's he doing?" Leaning forward I watched him raise his weapon-less hand. His palm faced us.


The car became air born, smashed itself against a tree. My vision zapped from one end to another in a split second. The bones in my body cracked. How the hell did he do that? I felt such excruciating pain all over my body that it left me breathless.

Moaning and groaning I found Josh unconscious slumped over steering wheel, crushed against a tree trunk. He had lacerations on his forehead, blood seeped out from his arms and legs.

"Josh..." My arm was stuck between his seat and mine. My chest burned from the impact. Inhaling became an obstacle course. "Josh..." I moved my other arm to free my wedged one.

"AH!" I screamed when my bones reconstructed and snapped back to place. I gritted my teeth so hard that my face shook. The figure was moving closer and I had to get him to safety.

"DAMN IT." I reached for the gun that awkwardly rested on the dashboard. Ignoring the protests from my body, I painfully twisted towards the broken window next to me. I shot at the figure standing just outside.

My heart jumped at his proximity.

I kept shooting, no matter how much the recoil hurt. The seat belt burnt my skin at the base of my throat but I pushed through, emptied the magazine into him. However, none of the damn bullets hit him because his palm was creating some sort of an invisible barrier. 

The small bullets clanked when they hit the concrete floor. My confidence shattered when I heard the empty clicks of my trigger.

Frustrated, I let out a loud roar.

He ripped the door of its hinges without touching it. He had powers like I've never seen before. He definitely wasn't a hunter. Supernatural beings weren't supposed to hurt each other. It was a forbidden rule since humans waged a war against us.

"We're supposed to be on the same side." I gritted out.

I couldn't see his eyes. It was hidden underneath his hood but the bottom of his face was still on display. A chilling sadistic smile spread across his lips. Instead of saying anything he used his hand this time to rip away my seat belts.

My stomach dipped. Even with a concussion I knew he was extremely dangerous. Whatever he had planned for me, it was going to be utterly painful. His hand grasped my throat and lifted me out of the car without breaking a sweat.

I fought back, kicked and clawed, tried to scratch him even with my re-joined arm but the damage to my whole body was extensive therefore it was taking longer. I tried to shift into my wolf but he just squeezed tighter cutting off my air supply.

He lifted me off the ground putting pressure on my trachea.

I was terrified. My vision started to blur, lungs burned.

Suddenly, my training kicked in causing my body to move on auto pilot. I used my semi-healed core strength to lifted myself up and wrap my legs around his arm and twisted. 

I gripped his pinkie finger and bent it backwards until I heard a satisfying crunch. Finally, he released me. I landed on my bruised hands and feet.

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