24. Tiscan (2)

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Naya's P.O.V. 
1st Century, Tiscan Ancient Civilization
Northern Hemisphere. 

Ocean's head rested on my chest, arms thrown over my waist, legs wounded between mine. He finally appeared in our chamber when the near full moon was high up in the sky. 

He came in complaining about a headache and we both ended in our large bed with tall bedposts. I started massaging his head.

"What's the plan then?" He mumbled.

"I'll speak to the Spirits tomorrow. They should have warned us about him." I patted his cheek.

"I know. Do you know where Arsha is now or where Hayden came from?" He'd been at work all day trying to find out more about him, his background, from anyone who came across him.

"I still can't believe he's half hell hound." He was as astonished as I was. I sighed loudly, hating the calmness of the air. I knew a storm was coming.

"What I despise the most is that Regan brought Hayden into our home. How did we not know Regan was a hybrid?" I grumbled. She was the head servant in our west wing. She made sure everyone did their job and everyone was taken care of. 

She brought him into this castle, promising us that he was the best human blacksmith. He didn't have any distinct smell that's why werewolves didn't detect any treachery from him. We trusted her with our home, so we trusted him too and he used it to stab us in the back with him.

Many of our human employees started to go missing. It took the guards a while to find their remains. That's when we realised something was very wrong. Missing people, dismembered bodies, people were terrified. That's when we started a hunt for the hybrids. Once we had evidence and witness that it was them, Elaria and I spoke to the Spirits.

They didn't know what kind of havoc hybrids would cause but they knew they were way more powerful than a supernatural with one elemental power. The spirits had no control over them that's why they were even more dangerous.

"Go to sleep my queen, you can worry about it tomorrow." He pulled me closer to him and I allowed his comfort to chase away the terrors.


Elaria and I walked deep into the forest, moonlight lightened the ground under our feet. It was a sacred meeting hence we didn't bring our guard further into the woods. I heard the soft sloshing of water and knew we were close to the edge of the sea.

"What are you going to say to her?" She held a satchel filled with herbs and a bowl. We usually didn't need a ritual on a full moon night but she was scared. She didn't think the spirits would grace her with their presence.

"That they should have told us about the Hellhound. They shouldn't be our problem due to they aren't from our world." I patted her arm making her nod in agreement. Her heart was racing like a galloping horse.

The blood moon sat upon the sea, her edge touching its horizon. The usual blue sea, reflected its red rays of light. Elaria started chanting in the language of the creators.

Vanasion comproda Vinee Ciesca.

There were two ways to reach the spirits. One, via the language of the spirits and the other, through pain. Pain inflicted upon us, only the supernatural, brought the spirits out to protect us.

Green tendrils of smoke hovered in front of the moon, wavy green flares danced with the wind. I marvelled every time I came face to face with our creator. 

Witches and Werewolves were blessed by the earth spirit hence our connection was always stronger. Races bounded by our creator. Faes connected with Air spirit and mermaids with water.

"My children. It's come to my attention that one hybrid survived." A melodic tune sang through the air. "You know it's not complete. We can't seal the gates and we can only do it once. We can never open it again or make it again." I knew what she meant by "it". It wasn't to be spoken of.

"I know that but he's half Hellhound. We didn't know. We thought he was human at first. Now I understand why we couldn't catch a scent. He doesn't have any. Even though his mother was a Fae, his body still functions as a creature of a spirit world. The venom didn't subdue him for long." I rubbed my forehead, an onset of headache emerging through.

"A hellhound? They aren't allowed to cross the veil." Her surprised shocked me. They were supposed to know everything about the supernatural beings but not humans. They weren't in control of the humans. The humans weren't blessed by anyone but they surely were lucky enough to multiply.

Like rodents.

I scoffed. "Have you spoken to the fire spirit?"

"My sister won't hide such significant information form me." She seemed offended but I didn't care at that moment.

"We apologise but how do we stop him now? We can't even find him." Elaria stuttered, one thing I hated.

"How can a hellhound hide from the spirits?" I wondered out loud.

"We do not have tracks of hellhounds when they walk the earth. Because they aren't supposed to walk the earth. I didn't know why we didn't notice when he was gone." The great spirit herself seemed perplexed.

"Maybe because the veil was thin when he crossed over? We know it was Arsha who's the mother of this hybrid. She's blessed by the air spirit do you know where she is?" I asked. Hybrids weren't tracked by the spirts as well so I doubted she knew much about Hayden's whereabouts.

"She left northern a long time ago. I don't know much about her. I have to ask my sister."

I wanted to roll my eyes but I couldn't disrespect her again. I heard leaves brushing against each from miles away. The air was too still for a sent to be carried over. Calking to that sound being from one of the guards, I concentrated on what was in front of me.

"So what do you want us to do."

"You must-"


A severely burnt body ran through shadow of the woods. I didn't know how I didn't hear any noises. It took me 3 seconds to register who it was, what was happening and how it happened. However, I was 3 seconds too late.

"I WANT HER BACK ... GIVE HER TO ME." The man with burnt flesh without any smell held onto one of the tendrils of the spirt. The edge created electric impulses that shot around in circles. The air around us became angry. 

The calm turned into the storm I'd been waiting for. The trees fought to hold their ground as the wind blew their branches back. The sea lapped against each other. We stepped back trying to avoid backlash.

Elaria screamed. Lifting my puffy beige skirt, I ran into the water to drag Hayden down. He wanted Regan's soul back. He's half hellhound and could live on the other side but he's half Fae so at some point he'd have to cross over because he couldn't survive there forever. We couldn't let that happen. We couldn't let him bring her back to earth. Any of them.

"STOP HIM." The spirit started to rise. I couldn't touch the veil, only hellhounds could.

"HELP ME STOP HIM THEN." I screamed in the water, trying to reach him. That's when one of her tendrils wrapped around my waist and lifted me up. My smooth skin touched his burnt flesh and it slipped off, revealing his inner bloody muscles.


Nearly over now. One more chapter of the past and we move start to present and that's it. No going back. Hope you enjoy x

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