21.5 Ashworth

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Naya's P.O.V. 20th Century.

1939 Ashworth, Western Hemisphere. (Western Hemisphere resembles Europe and Ashworth would probably be like a country side in England.) We are moving back in time again. The time with Naya and Ocean from 1990 is over and now we are in the 20th century. 

We didn't know why he was after us but we knew if we stayed, we would have been dead without the pack's help.

My thoughts were disrupted by another bomb going off. Ocean pulled me to him, covered me with his body again until we followed the trenches to the woods. The country side wasn't meant for war. The trenches were newly dug when the enemy troops marched into the town centre. My heart broke with every step we took but at least I had my husband.

He was my soul and as long as I had him, I'd be happy. We ended up in the middle of nowhere, leaving the woods behind. Hills and valleys surrounded us, sheep and cows roamed around freely without anyone taking care of them. We found a gigantic open barn with a chicken coop in the corner, a hay stack upstairs, a small stable near the back and a lot of farming equipment.

The farm house looked empty too, not too far away from the barn but we didn't want to intrude, just in case.

"I guess this will have to do for tonight, love." Ocean helped me climb up the ladder when my foot caught the dress skirt on one of the steps. The sun began to set, soft pink waves made its way across the sky. Luckily, I found a match box and an oil lantern just before the darkness set in.

"Come, sit. Elina managed to get us some food. You must eat." I sat on the hay, wearing fresh clothes that we packed the night before. Ocean carried that across his shoulder. We managed to find a water pit to clean ourselves off quickly before making a bed out of the straws.

As we ate, I tried to tune out our misfortunes and concentrate on the fact that we were both alive. Unlike him. He was beating himself up for what was happening to us. It was a man's pride to be able to take care of his family but I didn't care much for that social quo. He tried to live up to it for a short period of time while we were on the run but all of that stopped when he realised that we might not even be alive to live up to the status quo.

"Ocean, please." I went to him, took his wandering hands in mine.

"I don't know what to do. When I married you, I vowed to take care of you." He scoffed, looking around. "This is not what I wanted for us." His defeated posture broke something in me. We were from two different packs but he transferred to mine after he saw me at a fare in his town. Mating was the only reason that allowed a wolf to transfer and he chose to move to me instead of forcing me to move to his pack like many other male wolves did. I was grateful for it.

"Look at me." I took his face in my hands. "We'll fight whatever is to come, we survived once, we'll do it again." He looked haggard for a 30-year-old man. I wished there was something I could do about it but I couldn't. He was such of a gentleman and never once forgot to put me first.

"I'm sorry." He engulfed me in a tight hug allowing me to bask in the short moment of serenity until his stomach growled. He appeared thinner, clothes fitted him loosely.

We finished quickly, making sure to leave enough for the journey next day. We found some clean blankets for the horses' downstairs, that he brought up to spread over the straws. There was nothing we could have done about our misfortunes but I was glad that we had a roof over our head when the pitter patter of rain started against the roof of the barn.

He held me close to his heart, played with my long black curls. His heart beat against my palm, while my head rested on his shoulder. Deep down, I wanted to go back home. The home that belonged to Elina. Not the one that was in my old pack, who threw us out because of the amount of people who died because of us.

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