24. Tiscan (3)

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Naya's P.O.V. 
1st Century, Tiscan Ancient Civilization
Northern Hemisphere. 

I squirmed in disgust. Still, I pulled at him until his fingers slipped of the edge and into the water. The spirit held onto me with her smoky vines and set me down back on the ground. The bottom of my clothes were wet.

I let out a loud howl alerting my guards. Any were-supernatural creature would immediately respond to that.

"You can't let him cross over, my child. I'm giving you the responsibility keep him in our realm." She started to rise higher and higher.

"NO. YOU CAN'T DO THAT TO ME." My outburst was overshadowed by the howling wind and bashing branches. The guards finally broke through the thick darkness of the trees.

"I'll look over you as much as I can. I'll give you your love every time but only you can stop him. We can't let them out back into the world." Her light started to dim.

"NO. NOO." I screamed entering the water again.

"You have to or it will be chaos."

I screamed at her fading smoke. If she was a human, I would have punched her in the face. I didn't want the responsibility. She told us to burn them. It wasn't my responsibility. 

She didn't even know what Hayden was, we were the one who found out his true nature. They didn't even know that a hellhound had crossed over.

If she wanted me to do this for her, I needed something from her too.


"It will be done."

The air swirled around her, I didn't get a chance ask her what I wanted. Suddenly, everything around me stilled, the red moon was back in our view.

"AHH!" A frustrated growl escaped my throat. I needed to get it done before Hayden made his appearance.

"If he gets out, make sure you detain him. I don't know how but make sure he doesn't disappear." I ordered the fighters who came too. 

Indicating for me guards to follow me, I made my way towards the burnt bodies. Their stench had been bothering the wolves and any other creatures that lived near the woods.

"Your highness, even if he gets to the other realm, he wouldn't find his mate there." Elaria babbled on as she followed me. Fury clouded my judgement. "I mean they aren't supernatural, their spirits won't go to our realm."

Pausing, I wanted to turned back and tell her why but I took an oath to guard the secret with my life. Suppressing the urge to scream, I carried on.

 No one was supposed to know the truth about Hybrids. No one but Ocean and I when the Earth spirit revealed it to us when she ordered us to annihilate them.

Their spirits didn't go to the spiritual realm.

They went to Purgatory.

A realm created by the spirits, guarded by fucking hellhounds. We weren't told much about the hellhounds, just that they were made by Fire Spirit to endure the hellish environment of the purgatory. 

However, the spirits couldn't seal the gates forever until all twelve of them were inside. If the plan succeeded, they would have been sealed forever, to suffer in their own misery.

The spirits couldn't make the mistake of opening the realm again and again, just in case one sneaked through. The spirits couldn't feel their presence so they needed all of them at once. To lock them away forever.

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