19.5 Reminiscence

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Naya's P.O.V.
Red Mount 1990

"I don't want to go school." I walked out with nothing but a white towel wrapped around my body after a long warm shower.

"Me neither." His gaze was fixated towards the ceiling with both of his bare arms behind his head, emphasizing his toned muscles. The comforter had slightly fallen barely covering his toned body and I wanted to jump his bones right then and there.

"What do you want for breakfast?" I sat in front of my large dressing table while I massaged a peach scented lotion all over my exposed legs.


"DUDE..." I didn't need to turn around to see the sly little smirk dancing on his face.

"WHAT...?" He sat up straight in my bed allowing his reflection to appear on the mirror.

"Seriously Ocean..." I rolled my eyes at him. "What time did you sleep?" It must have been really late

"About 4 in the morning..." He smile. "Remember when you locked me out because we got into an argument?" I laughed remembering back to what he was talking about.

"And you stayed out there all night... stubborn bastard didn't even think about going home." After brushing my hair, I walked over towards my wardrobe.

"First, I was home, you just locked me out and second I was angry." He froze in the middle of his stretch and turned his body towards me. "YOU'RE the stubborn one, I told you I would come and just because I was late you locked me out." He shoved my comforter off himself revealing his black Calvin Klein boxers getting off the bed.

"I WAS CONFUSED..." I turned my back on him putting on underwear before shrugging off my towel. It dropped on the floor giving Ocean a clear view of my back and I lazily picked out a bra. I loved teasing him, it drove him crazy.

"About what? I told you I would come but parents were still awake, helping the new family..." He walked up behind me and hooked the back of the bra together. He was such a gentleman sometimes but usually he was disgusting pig.

"I told you, I... I... don't like people disturbing my sleep." I replied shoving a blue t-shirt over my head.

"But that's not it, is it? I know I woke you up and you looked like you were about to murder me but you were crying as well and you never told me why." The playfulness from his voice disappeared, replaced by a serious concerned tone.

"That's not the point." I swerved past him but he quickly caught my arm before I could escape.

"Tell me..." He insisted.

"Well... it was just a couple of days after, we just... you know... were together for the first time." I picked up the towels and threw them inside my bathroom. "And the new girl... with the new family... she was worshiping you." I over exaggerated and even thinking about the way she was looking at him and how he was helping her out with school advice, made my heart hurt. I knew it was innocent and it was his duty but she was beautiful. The way he was smiling at her didn't sit too well with me.

"I'm the future alpha... it's my duty to help them..." He smiled at me like I was a fool.

"No, I was so confused... everything happened so fast I didn't know if it was a one night stand or-"

"Don't you dare fucking say that..." His large hand forcefully gripped my chin with his finger, he pushed my cheeks together making my lips pout up like a fish. "I loved you since I couldn't even pronounce your name properly or even know what love meant... you were always the one for me Naya." Slowly he released me from his firm and I stumbled back a little.

"I didn't know that back then... I mean come on, we weren't the best of friends back then." I reminded him making my way towards the door.

"I know... but I'd always choose you... even if we were humans, I'd always choose you." He smiled waking backwards towards my en suit.

"Yeah, I gathered that when you threatened to kill my mate." I recalled making his smile even bigger.

"I wasn't kidding you know... I was going crazy... all I wanted was you and when I finally had you... I screwed everything up and then you ran away... god I thought I was going to die." He leaned back against the maroon painted door frame rubbing his face with both of his hands.

"We made it this far we'll make it what is to come." I chuckled lightly. "I'll make you some bacon and eggs." Boy, he could eat.

"I LOVE YOU." He shouted out as I simultaneously walked out of my room. I couldn't keep the giddy smile off my face that he never failed create.


"Shh... can you fuckers be any louder." I heard Ocean whisper-yell when my consciousness started to return slowly. We both ended up falling asleep after we had breakfast and hours' worth of mind blowing sex.

His hand was covering my exposed ear trying to drown out the absurd noise of clinking glasses and drawers shutting. Groaning, I buried my head further in his chest hoping everyone will disappear soon.

I could hear Isaiah and Jace open and shut the cupboard doors in the kitchen like they were hunting for treasures. I knew I had to get up because they spoke to Miss Delano and they were bound to have Elina's contact number.

Safe or not, it was time for us to make a move before it was too late.

Rubbing my face, I sat up straight with Ocean massaging my back. "Sorry baby girl." His voice was tickly coated with sleep and I wasn't they only one they disturbed. Mumbling something incoherent under my breath, I went to the bathroom down stairs to freshen up.

I could still hear Ocean scolding them for being loud but it wasn't a big deal. Despite of feeling refreshed I felt even more tired for some reason and Lea deserved an award for surviving on lack of sleep and still had the ability to get the job done.

"So, I made a list last night about the facts we know and the people we know and this other..." Lea pointed towards her other notepad that was lying on the coffee table. "...list has questions we need answers to."

"You need a hobby." Isaiah leaned back on the sofa throwing some toffee popcorn in his mouth.

"Shut up..." She threw him a dirty look before returning her focus back to the initial problem. "So we figured out that she might be telling the truth because you two have a connection. Always had a connection." She took over the conversation.

"Here's her number." She handed Ocean the card.

"I'll call it." He picked up the large white phone resting on side table and before he could press the numbers Lea interrupted.

"Why don't I call..."

"Dude you stole her journal... She'll probably want to kill YOU." Isaiah rolled his eyes at her.

On instincts, I reached forward and slapped his arm in Lea's defence.

"Fine..." He handed Lea the phone and the card.

"Here goes..." She pressed in the digits quickly.

My heart sped up along with everyone's in the room, listening to the dragged out blaring noise of the phone ringing once...twice... then finally.


The faint voice resembled Elinas'.

"Hey... erm... it's..." Surprisingly for the first time ever, Lea was speechless while talking to someone.

"Lea... I was hoping you'd contact me..." She sounded relieved. "I knew you would take the journal and believe that I was telling the truth..." We could hear the smile in her voice as she spoke.

"So what now?" I asked.

"We should meet." Was her reply.--------------

Thank you so much for the love you all have shown me. I deeply appreciate it. Take care everyone and don't forget to vote and comment.

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