28. Over

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Ocean's P.O.V. 

It felt amazing to speak to her telepathically. The moon was dipping, clouds creeping up to it, trying to engulf it whole. Sometimes they succeeded, sometimes the full moon won.

"They are having too much fun burning the bodies. I guess it's revenge for all the family we lost." I turned back to find some of my enforcers shoving dry sticks into the fire of burning bodies. 

The peace coming through their pack link was unmissable. Finally, they'd avenge their family's death. Sometimes, I thought it was my fault that they lost their family but no one ever blamed me personally.

"We needed to get going." I suggested. The world seemed to keep going. Oblivious to the threat that had been finally eliminated. I didn't know what she meant by war but I was sure that no harm was to come upon us any more. We'd done enough.

After half hour, after the bodies were incinerated and Naya was finally able to shift back. I covered her naked body with my clothes I had stashed in the back for emergencies. She felt highly uncomfortable, so I wrapped a thin blanket around her before my men came back and we made our journey back home.

I tried to keep my lustful thoughts at bay, especially when I didn't even see her fully naked. She was turned, hiding away from me. 

I remembered in some of our past lives where we couldn't keep our hands off each other. Now, she was too uncomfortable to even look at me. It was understandable but I wanted that to change fully.

It was around two when we finally left the place. Naya was fully knocked out on my lap. Aaron sat on her other side. Her breathing was even, our connection strong and I finally felt whole again.

"Is it really over?" Aaron broke the silence in the car. We'd been driving for about fifteen minutes.

"Yes." I replied.

"Are we going to know how she knew about this and how the hell she got her wolf back?" One of his arm was thrown over the back rest, the other on the windowsill. His body was vibrating with energy. It was finally over for him too.

Looking down, I brushed back Naya's hair. Allowing the connection of the mating pull to settle me, I started the story from the beginning. Everything I learned after she regained her consciousness. 

I told them about the spirits taking away Naya's wolf to feed her information without thinning the veil. I had to tell them about purgatory. Now that it's sealed, there's no way anyone supernatural or human could get inside and release them, even hellhounds. There were no route or gate way to purgatory anymore.

Then, I carried on telling them about the witches being trapped in there because of the talismans and spells cast by them to protect themselves against the Darkling but he threatened and manipulated the humans to kill them including Naya and I in that life. 

They were astonished to learn about the fact that the darkling only wanted to kill us to get to Regan. Everyone else dying, the massacre of millions of supernatural and the murders of my pack members were just "collateral damage".

I almost wished that his death wasn't so quick. I'm sure everyone wanted him to suffer but as long as he was dead, it didn't matter. What mattered was that we lived and he died. Finally. When I told them about the hellhound coming to get their black souls and the green light of the Earth Spirit, they remained stunned.

"Dude." I nearly yelled at Aaron. "You were right behind me."

"Yes. We went back to the car as instructed. Then the fog thickened and then it disappeared you were on the ground holding her. I didn't even see them die." His voice rose slightly but when widened my eyes at him in warning, he lowered his voice. "Honestly, we weren't even gone that long."

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