Chapter 1 ~Guilty Pleasures

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A/N So I have this problem when I start to work on two stories at the same time. Anyway if you didn't read the tags this is a boyxboy story and if you have a problem you can shut up and leave no one brought you to my story in the first place.

Don't be a silent reader comment your thoughts.

Stephen James as James Marshall (up top or on side)

Chapter 1 ~Guilty Pleasures 

What's my guilty pleasure? The thing is I never feel guilty about pleasures. ~Tom Hiddleston


Axel's POV

I moaned again as I stuffed more of the chocolate fudge brownie in my face. I looked up to see my best friend making a face at me "What" I asked with a mouth full of food. 

She scrunched up her nose in disgust "Your supposed to be helping me find my mate not stuffing your face with brownie" she said while wiping my chin with a napkin.

I rolled my eyes and pushed her off "C'mon you know you want some. Huh, huh" I said while waving a brownie in front of her face. 

I saw the temptation in her eyes before she snatched it out of my hands and took a big bite "Oh we've been blessed" she moaned while taking another bite. Once she finished she stood up "Now let's go" I rolled my eyes and stood up too we walked out of the bakery and into the mall. "Wait you got a little something there" she said while grabbing a napkin from her purse and wiping my face. 

I pushed her off again I swear she treats me like a baby "Stop treating me like a baby Marisa" I hissed although I wasn't really mad. 

She frowned "But you're my baby" she said while pinching my cheeks "Who's my little baby. You are, yes you are" she cooed some people stopped and stared at her. 

I blushed a bright red "I'm not a baby I'm only three months younger than you are" 

"Yes but as your beta I must protect you and as your best friend I must embarrass, make fun, and love you all at once" she said. 

We were walking for a few minutes just window shopping when suddenly Marisa was tackled to the floor "MINE" the person yelled. I looked down and rose an eyebrow before helping them both up Marisa and her mate both looked ecstatic. "I'm April" Marisa's mate giggled. 

"I'm Marisa and this is my best friend Axel" Marisa introduced 

"Nice to meet you" April said shyly Marisa laughed and wrapped an arm around April's waist.

"Shall we get going" I said both girls nodded and we went on our way.


We got ice cream and being the messy eater I am I got it all over my face. April giggled "You have ice cream all over your face" she laughed "Here" she said while handing me a baby wipe. 

"You carry baby wipes" I asked while wiping my face

She blushed a dark crimson color and nodded "Yeah, I sort of am clumsy I always make a mess" 

I laughed "Hey Marisa you've been replaced I've found a new best friend and she happens to be just like me" I said 

Marisa growled "Whatever" she said 

I frowned "What's got your panties in a wad" I asked while stuffing my face with more vanilla ice cream. 

Marisa scowled "Those guys over there they keep eyeballing my future wife" she growled. I turned around to see a group of guys very much eyeballing April. Marisa growled again before wrapping an arm around April's waist and planting a kiss on her lips. Marisa turned to the guys and stuck her tongue out at them. 

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