Chapter 20 ~He Shouldn't Forgive You

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A/N For some reason I was having flashbacks to 8th grade when they made us take a test to see how advanced we are in Spanish and it would determine what class to put us in for 9th grade. And we had to write or answers in Spanish but I didn't know so I wrote it in English and it was after the test that I found out we were supposed to write it in Spanish. I've never been more embarrassed in my life anyway my rant is over. Don't be a silent reader comment your thoughts.

Chapter 20 ~He Shouldn't Forgive You

Being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it'll always get you the right ones ~John Lennon


James POV

I started to fidget under her gaze it wasn't a glare or anything it was actually passive which is more unnerving because I don't know what she is going to do. I know why she was here so I didn't question when she suddenly barged into my room and reclined against the wall by the door. She's been here for 10 minutes already just staring at me I don't know if she wants me to speak first or..."Why did you do that to him" she finally spoke up.

I didn't mean to I was pressured into it, I answered mentally "I-I" I faltered in my words. I feel like this is an interrogation anything I say can and will be used against me. 

"Do you know how much you meant to him" she said "He gave you his first kiss when he should of saved it for someone better like his mat-" she cut herself off and let out a frustrated sigh. 

"I know okay. I didn't want to cheat on him I never would I love him to much to do that" I explained

"And yet you did cheat on him" She glared at me. 

I flinched not because her glare but because she was right if I did love him as much as I say I do I wouldn't have cheated on him. I know that I love him deep down and now my excuse of being afraid of what others might think sounds stupid. "I was pressured into doing that" I mumbled but I know she heard me. 

"Oh yeah and tell me who had to the power to pressure you aren't you like an all time famous gangleader" she glared

I glared back at her "Listen my gang doesn't know I'm gay and I would like to keep it that way" I told her "I don't know how they'll take it what if their homophobic then they won't respect me" I ranted. 

She walked up to me "In wolf packs whatever the Alpha says goes and who ever opposes has the right to become rogue they can always be replaced" she stated calmly "I suppose it's the same with gangs" she said before walking to the door "And one last thing James" she stopped at the door.

"What" I said through gritted teeth.

"You can always ask for forgiveness maybe Axel will forgive you but he shouldn't forget. And he shouldn't go back to you because he can do so much better" Marisa left at that not even turning back once. 


I was in the warehouse I called for a meeting I took what Marisa said to heart. I'm going to tell my gang and if they don't agree they can always leave. Dylan still wasn't talking to me the only time we actually talked is when we had business other then that he acts like I'm not even there. I looked around the room it seems like everyone is here already. 

I took a deep breath and wiped my palms on my jeans I cleared my throat and stood up. How do I even start this conversation 'Hey guys I'm gay and I cheated on my boyfriend so I wouldn't seem suspicious to you guys' yeah that's perfect 10/10 work. This is going to be the most cringe worthy thing I've ever done. 

"I called this meeting to announce that I'" nice one James "I wanted to tell you guys in case you have a problem with it you may leave" 

They all sat there maybe they are to stunned to speak "Do you really think we are that shallow James" one of my guys yelled. 

"Yeah, it's the 21st century we can care less about your sexual orientation" another yelled. 

I had my usual cold look on but on the inside I was practically breaking down. I love these guys so much "Is that all we have work" they all agreed to this statement so I let them leave. 

"That must have been hard on you" Dylan said from behind me

"It was I didn't know how they were going to take it" I said not looking back 

"Was fucking that girl worth loosing Axel" he asked.


"Then why'd you do it. Nobody would care if you fucked her or not" I turned around and saw his pondering face. 

 "I honestly don't know and I don't think I ever will but what I do know is that I have to apologize to him" I said. 

Dylan frowned "Don't expect a second chance" he said before walking out.


Axel still hadn't told his mother what happened. I know this because when I knocked on the door she let me in with a welcoming hug and information on where to find Axel. I marched up to Axel's room and knocked on the door. April opened the door and when she saw me she glared she would have attacked me if it wasn't for Marisa dragging her out and telling me to go in. I walked in and sat on Axel's bed he wouldn't look at me and I suspected this it's only been a day. 

Maybe I didn't think this through I should have given him more time to think. But I came for answers for what I don't know I'll jest go with the flow "A penny for your thoughts" I asked. 

He scoffed "My thoughts are worth more than a penny" 

I smiled slightly he never fails to amuse me "I know it's just a saying" I told him. 

He sighed "I'm hurt how else do you think I am" he looked me in the eyes. Tears ran down his face I reached out and wiped them away and to my surprise he let me.  

The strange sparks I always get when I touch him returned and it felt nice "I'm not worth your tears" I whispered. 

He pushed my hands away slightly "I know but I can't help it" he said.

"I came here to say I'm sorry. I'm not asking for a second chance because I don't deserve one and you can do better but I am asking for forgiveness" the thought of him with someone else hurt me more than anything but I forced the words out of my mouth before I could change my mind.

"I don't want anyone else" He said while glaring at his hands "I only want you but I don't think I can trust you ever again" he said. 

I was about to answer when Axel suddenly pinned me on the bed and kissed me roughly. I let out a sound of surprise and let him dominate the kiss. I went to wrap my arms around him but he grabbed them and pinned them above my head as if to tell me to keep them there so I did. Axel's tongue roamed my mouth and I let out a moan when he stared to rock his hips against mine. 

He pulled away and move my head to the side to expose my neck a low growl passed through his lips when he looked at the hickey on my neck. He leaned down and started to suck on my neck roughly "Axel" I gasped when he found my sweet spot. He scrapped his teeth against my neck making me thrust my hips up in response. He moaned and started to move his hips faster "Axel I- please" I begged when he started to move even faster. 

I liked Axel's dominate side it was so arousing "Please what" he said smugly. 

"I want to-Ah Axel" I moaned when he suddenly rotated his hips. I was about to reach my climax when he pulled away. 

"Get out of my house" he said calmly.

"I-what" I asked a bit flustered 

"You heard me" he said smugly "You said it yourself I could do so much better" although he sounded smug he looked hurt. "I was just giving you a taste of what you'll be missing"

I stood up and adjusted my pants "I hope you do find someone better" I forced out and faked a smile. He looked even more hurt then before "You deserve to be happy" I told him.

Before I left I leaned and pecked his forehead "Goodbye Axel" I said before leaving him...probably forever.


A/N Do you guys have any embarrassing stories about school if you do please share if you want to. Well BYEE!!

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