Chapter 11 ~Good Cause You're Mine

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A/N So I'm triggered right now my best friend spoiled 13 Reasons Why for me and I'm just furious. Don't be a silent reader comment your thoughts.

I Lived by One Republic (love this song) 

Chapter 11 ~Good Cause You're Mine 

The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me ~Ayn Rand


James POV

I glare at my phone then I glare at Dylan who was standing sheepishly in front of me "What the hell" I hiss.

Dylan shrugs "I was horny plus I wasn't going to actually do something I know you called dibs on him. April and I we're actually forming a plan to get you guys together but it seems like you guys got together on your own. Or not seeing as how he is apparently with Ricky Jefferson one of the hottest guys in school. But don't worry you're in a close 2nd" he rambles.

"Dylan shut the fuck up and get out of my face" I growl. I feel betrayal coursing through my veins Axel told me that nothing was going on between him and Ricky but apparently their dating. God I'm an idiot I kissed Axel in the shower while he has been dating Ricky for who knows how long. 

Dylan gives me a sympathetic look before rushing off to fourth period I stay in the hallway by my locker waiting for Axel to walk by. He walks down this hallway to get to Mrs. Rodriguez class I don't even know what she teaches but I know Axel has her class. When I spot him walking past me I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him into a conveniently placed janitors closet. 

Shocks are running along my arms as our skin touches I just ignore them since I get shocks every time I touch him. I've grown quite used to them since I get them every time we touch and I've known him for a month and 3 weeks. Axel seems to recognize me to since he doesn't thrash around I think my sleeve tattoos help. 

I push Axel against the wall as soon as I close the door "Do you mind explaining to me why Ricky and you are suddenly 'dating'" I hiss. I wasn't pissed at him I was pissed because he wasn't mine.

His eyes widen "It's not true. Ricky and I are just friends it's just that this morning Dylan wouldn't keep his hands off of me so I panicked and told him that I had a boyfriend. When Dylan asked me who my boyfriend was I panicked and didn't answer so that's when Ricky stepped in saying he was my boyfriend so Dylan could leave me alone. And it worked except everybody heard and the gossip girls started to text the whole school about it. And it's just a mess" Axel cried out at the end.

"What about that picture of you dragging Ricky into the janitors closet" I ask.

He looks at me with red cheeks "It's not what you think I only dragged Ricky in there so we can form a plan on how to 'break up'. And we have one too we decided at lunch I would walk into the boys restroom and find him 'cheating' on me with some girl and we'll have this huge fight and break up it's totally fool proof" he says quickly "So you see it's not true Ricky and I aren't dating and we never were and never will because he's like my brothe-" 

I lightly press my lips against his cutting off his rambling "Good because you're mine" I say while looking into his eyes silently challenging him to tell me otherwise.

 He gets a conflicting look in his eyes before he sighs and looks at me with sad eyes "James, you know I can't be fully yours because of the 'arranged marriage' thing my family has" he tells me.

I sigh "But it's the twenty-first century you can tell your parents that you don't want to marry that person you don't have to have an arranged marriage if you don't want to" I tell him while placing my hand on his cheek.

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