Chapter 14 ~Failed To Protect Her

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A/N There's this boy at school that I absolutely loathe he called me ugly and started to hit all of my insecurities on Friday and the popular girl stood up for me. And my bi ass self was like I'm going to marry her. Don't be a silent reader comment your thoughts.

Chapter 14 ~Failed To Protect Her 

To know what a person has done, and to know who a person is, are very different things ~Hannah Kent


Marisa's POV

I wanted to hate him I really did and I really tried to but I couldn't. I knew it wasn't his fault that they took her and I know there wasn't much that James could do against a vampire. It's not his fault it's mine I was- I am her mate I should've been watching her. But a part of me can't accept that my pride won't accept that so what do I do. 

I put the blame on others.

I cried I've never stopped crying since we arrived at the scene finding an unconscious James and April nowhere to be found. I would be lying if I said I didn't beat the crap out of James while he was unconscious...I'll have to tell him about that later. Right now we are waiting for James to wake up we've been here already for two hours we're just wasting time we should be looking for her.

 I should be looking for her.

She gave me the honor of carrying my pups and what do I do in return I fail to protect her. I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look up and meet the Luna's gaze she gives me a soft smile. I just shrug off her hand I don't want the sympathy looks or reassurance I want help no I need help to get my mate and pups back. James hurry your ass up and wake up already or I'll castrate you I hiss in my head.

As if hearing my threat James opens his eyes he looks around confused then he looks at all of us. By us I mean my father and mother, the Alpha, the Luna, Axel, and me. When his gaze lands on me I give him a glare causing him to flinch slightly. The room was silent no one said anything that is until I let my feelings known "WHY DIDN'T YOU PROTECT HER" I yelled.

Everybody jumped looks like no one expected my sudden out burst. 

<Marisa you need to calm down being angry and hating people won't bring back our mate> My wolf chastised.

I ignored her and glared at James waiting for my answer "Marisa I-I tried nothing fazed him" James said his voice laced with remorse. 

"That's bullshit James you could've 'tried' harder" I growled I stood up and made an advance for his bed.

"I know M-Marisa but I was taken off guard" he argued back. 

"She's pregnant James don't you get it anything could happen to her or her babies anything could happen to my children or my ma-" my voice fell short and the next thing I knew I was on my knees balling my eyes out.

"I know she told me" James said.

"You knew and you couldn't protect her" I yelled with a new found anger. I stood up and went to punch him but when I looked at him I remembered it's not his fault she's not his mate she's mine and I was the one that failed it's my fault. I let out a sigh and sat down a sudden pain hit my stomach and I toppled over a scream of agony fell from my lips as the pain increased. 

<What are they doing to her> I cried to my wolf.

<I don't know I don't have contact with Winter>  My wolf answered frantically.

>April can you hear me please answer, April< I said through our mate link.

I got no answer back and I started to sob my father picked me up they were asking if I was okay. "Do I look okay. My ma-girlfriend was kidnapped my children are endanger and I'm screaming in agony do you honestly think I'm okay" I questioned. 

James got out of bed his face held discomfort probably from the beating I gave him. He better not expect me to apologize because I won't. "James what are you doing you need rest" Axel said while trying to push James back onto the bed.

"No I don't we need to find April" James said while lightly pushing Axel out of the way and walked to the restroom with Axel following in toe.

My mother and the Luna came back into the room I didn't even realize the left "Ricky called he caught their scent and has trackers and warriors heading over as we speak" my mother said. 

Thank God James was in the restroom changing and thank the heavens that Axel went with him that means he'll be to distracted to hear. I got envious that James was here with Axel happily by his side while my mate and pups were God knows where. A low growl escaped my lips at the thought of the vampires doing anything to my mate. 

"Marisa calm down" my father commanded 

"Calm down" I gasped in disbelief "You expect me to calm down when my pups and mate are God knows where with vampires" I growled at him.

The Alpha growled at me causing my wolf to whimper in my head. My wolf pleaded with me to stand down but I wasn't having it I shot the Alpha a defiant look making him grow livid. I know I was pissing his wolf off and that's not a good thing but my mate is out there and they want me to calm down. 

"Marisa honey let's head outside Ricky is waiting for you and Axel" the Luna spoke up "We'll be following behind you" she said I knew what she meant. Axel, James, and I were going with Ricky without shifting for James' sake -he doesn't know we're werewolves- while the other's follow already shifted into their wolf forms.

Brian came into the room "I'm going to guys" he said. 

I looked up at him and shook my head "No Brian stay here with Barbra she's going to need you she just had your pup and she needs rest you should be there for her" I told him. 

He glared at me "April is in trouble if the human is going I'm going to" he growled at me I growled back.

Who does he think he is I'm the future beta he's just the future third in command I'm a higher rank he has no right. "Marisa go, Brian I'm afraid Marisa is right you have to stay with your mate she needs you we have this handled" my father spoke up. 

I shot Brian a triumphant smirk and walked out of the door >Axel, Ricky is waiting for us so hurry up and finish sucking on James dick and head outside< I said through the pack link.

>Shut up Marisa we're right behind you< he answered.

I looked behind me and saw a bright red Axel followed by James I laughed silently give it up for Axel the only person who can make me laugh at a time like this. I ran into Ricky's car like literally I crashed into it. I quickly stood up and brushed myself off before hoping into the passenger seat I glared at Ricky as he was laughing his ass off. 

"Shut the fuck up before I castrate you" I growled at him.

He cleared his throat "Right I'm sorry" he said. Axel and James climbed into the car and we took off without another word I stared out the window and into the woods where the pack warriors were following.

I'm coming for you my love I swear on it that we are going to save you and my pups I make a promise while looking out into the sunset. 


A/N I know this was a short chapter it was more like a filler chapter so yeah...BYEE!!!

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