Chapter 23 ~A Premature Birth

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A/N I'm having another time skip the power of being an author is beautiful. Don't be a silent reader comment your thoughts. 

Chapter 23 ~A Premature Birth

Grief never ends....But it changes. It's a passage, not a place to stay. Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith....It is the price of love. ~Author Unknown 


Axel's POV

*One Month Later*

I woke up with a weight on my shoulder I looked down and Marisa's sleeping form and smiled sadly. Yesterday her pups were born 1 month premature unfortunately only one of them survived April was kept in the infirmary and I forced Marisa to come sleep. I felt bad for Marisa on top of her pup being born premature we were both officially Alpha and Beta there's a lot on her plate right now. 

Suddenly a wave of nausea hit me and I barley made it to the bathroom in time to throw up "Axel are you okay" Marisa's voice came from my restroom door.

"Yeah-I'm fine" I croaked my throat raw from just throwing up.

"No you're not werewolves can't get sick why are you throwing up" she said worriedly. "We need to get you to the pack doctor we can't have anything happening to you" she helped me up.

"I'll be fine I think it was just something I ate" I stopped to brush my teeth "Anyway you have more important things to worry about like April and Maggie" I said.

They named there daughter -the one that survived- Maggie her sister Kendra was taken away and they are planning a funeral. Maggie was placed in a incubator and she is really small she was only 5 pounds. Marisa looked at me "I'm heading to the infirmary anyway I can take you" she said as if I was stupid. 

I rolled my eyes "Fine let me shower" I said "You should too then we can take April some of my moms cookies" I told her the plans for today and she nodded before walking out of my room. 

I sat on my restroom counter and thought about all the things that can be wrong when it hit me "Shit" I muttered. I didn't dwell on the thought and I started to get ready for today I'm not ready for Marisa to go off on me about protection during sex.


"Alpha Axel what bring you to my office today" the pack doctor -Tracie- asked. 

I didn't make a sign or move that I was going to answer so Marisa did it for me "He was puking his guts out and as you know werewolves can't get sick. We just wanted to know if you could check him" she said. 

I rolled my eyes at how overly dramatic Marisa can be at times "Hmm, I see if you don't mind me asking there a possibility that you can be pregnant" she asked looking me in the eyes.

Marisa gave me a look one that a mother would give their teenage daughter when doctors would ask this kind of question. I stared to fidget under their gazes and I lowered my head "Yes" I whispered.

The doctor clasped her hands together "Very well I'll set up a room for an ultrasound in the mean time can you pee in this cup" she handed me a cup before walking out of the room.

I sat waiting for Marisa to say something "W-Who is it" she whispered.

I calmed down a bit I thought she would explode "James" I whispered back.

She stood up abruptly and knocked her chair down "What were you thinking" she yelled "Did you think 'Oh I'll just screw around with him noting will happen' well did you" her face was contorted with anger "What about your mate Axel how would he feel" she seethed.

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