Chapter 2 ~Boys and History Projects

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A/N I was watching spongebob the episode where squiward needed a plus one and he asked the mail man. And the mail man was like sure, did I mention that I hate clarinets, and I was sitting there like excuse me I play clarinet BITCH!! Don't be a silent reader comment your thoughts.

Matthew Espinosa as Axel Grey (up top or on the side)

Chapter 2 ~Boys and History Projects

Thinking is difficult, that's why most people judge. ~Carl Jung


James' POV

I was nodding my head mindlessly to whatever Dylan was saying. "And then the girl grabbed the ice cream tray and hit the guy in the fucking face" Dylan laughed.

I groaned "I know Dylan I was there"

My best friend gave me a blank stare "You were totally checking that boy out yesterday" he said while giving me a smirk.

I scoffed "No I wasn't I'm not gay dude" I said while taking another drag from my cigarette.

Dylan was about to answer but was cut off "YOU LITTLE SHIT GET BACK HERE" a feminine voice yelled.

Before I could process what was happening a body crashed into mine sending a jolt of electricity through my body. My cigarette fell out of my hand "SHIT" the person yelled when my cigarette fell on him.

I immediately recognized the boy he was the same boy from the ice cream parlor. "Oh my gosh Axel are you okay" a girl said while coming up to Axel and checking his arm. "It's just a burn come on let's get some cream for it" she pulled Axel away.

I stared at my cigarette which was now on the floor. I sighed and stepped on it "C'mon Dylan let's go to homeroom" I said while walking away.


I was sitting at lunch waiting for Dylan to arrive. "Hey James" a flirtatious voice said from above me. I looked up to see a pretty blonde girl standing above me.

"Hey" I said back with a bored tone.

"What do you say we ditched this place and have some fun in the janitors closet" she said before biting her lip in attempt to look seductive. 

"The janitors closet? Really? C'mon sweet heart you should have more dignity than that" I said while rolling my eyes. "Anyways I'm not in the mood" I said while waving my hand dismissively.

Her face fell "Really James, I'm doing you a favor here. You should consider yourself lucky that I even gave you the time of day" she growled before stomping away.

I heard a laugh from behind me "Oh man that was just golden" Dylan laughed while taking a seat next to me. I just grunted my response and went on my phone. It was quite for a while until Dylan spoke up "Do you think that boy from this morning. What's his name again" he stopped and looked at me.

"Axel" I sighed before taking a drink of water. 

"Yes Axel, do you think he's a good fuck" he asked looking at me expectantly. 

I choked on my water "What" I gasped while coughing.

He shrugged "Do you think he'll be a good fuck" he said nonchalantly.

"Dylan, are you" my words faltered "Are you gay. I mean I wouldn't have a problem if you were but are you"

He shook his head "I'm bi actually" he said "Now answer my question" he persisted

I looked over to where Axel was sitting "Uh...I guess" I shrugged while rubbing the back of my head.

"Great" he smirked evilly 

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