Chapter 12 ~You're A Gangleader

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A/N I fell out of my bed quite literately this morning it was not fun I have a bruise on my head now (I bruise easily). Don't be a silent reader comment your thoughts. 

Chapter 12 ~You're A Gangleader

The scariest monsters are the ones that lurk within our souls ~Edgar Allen Poe


Axel's POV 

I knocked on James front door I heard muffled footsteps coming from the other side of the door before it swung open. "Oh Axel come in. I didn't know you were coming today I would've cooked if I did" Mrs. Marshall said while ushering me inside.

"Oh it's okay Mrs. Marshall I'm not that hungry anyways" I told her.

She waved her hand dismissively and snorted "Don't you ever and I mean ever expect to walk into my house and walk out without being fed I'll make you something sweetie. James is upstairs in his room like always" she said as she made a bee line for the kitchen. I chuckled and made my way up the stairs I was a few feet away from James room when I heard silent voices coming from inside. 

I know that it's immoral to eavesdrop but I couldn't help myself I gently put my head against the door since it was open a crack. "I know Stacy I got the same speech from April" I heard James say.

"No te enojes" I heard Stacy say...whatever that means.

"I'm not getting mad all I'm saying is that I already know" James answered sounding a bit annoyed.

"And all I'm saying is that before you two start dating you should at least tell him that you're a gangleader. Like he has a right to know what he's getting-" Stacy's voice faltered I'm guessing she smelled my scent. 

Stacy is a rouge but if she was in a pack she'll be a regular pack member. Stacy told me that her pack was killed in a rouge attack when she was younger and she was wandering the forest when James' parents found her and took her in. His parents know she is a werewolf because they were there when she first shifted in their kitchen. James wasn't home at the time so he has no idea that she is a werewolf. I invited her many times to join my pack because it'll be safer for her and we've made plans to go whenever she's home. She goes to the university so she isn't always here.

"I get it Stacy I'm not good for Axel I'll probably never be good for Axel because I'm a monster and I've killed before and I can't be trusted because I'm a gangleader. But while I can have him I'm going to be selfish and keep him for as long as he'll have me" James hissed.

Stacy answered but I couldn't hear her I leaned in further to hear but I tripped on my own feet and pushed the door open. Their heads snapped over to my direction and James eyes widened while Stacy gave me a sympathetic look. James looked back to Stacy "Y-you knew he was standing there" he said in disbelief. 

"He has a right to know James. I'm sorry" she said before walking out and closing the door behind her. Not without pushing me into the room first might I add.

"How much did you hear" James asked while I stood up and dusted myself off.

"I would say all of it but quite frankly I don't know how long you guys have been talking. Your mom is making food or something like that just so you know." I ramble

"Axel this is serious how much did you hear" James growled while staring me down. His piercing grey eyes staring straight into my own hazel ones. I was immediately frozen unable to move or speak "Axel" he snapped.

"That you're a gangleader" I spluttered out with nervousness. 

James looked away I think he took my nervousness the wrong way I'm not nervous or afraid to be around him he's still the same James Marshall I met a month ago. I'm nervous because I was caught eavesdropping. 

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