Chapter 3 ~Interesting Magazine

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A/N So James is Mexican so his family will be speaking some Spanish I will try my best to put translations or something so you can understand what they are saying. Don't be a silent reader comment your thoughts.

Dianna Agron as Marisa Whitley (up top or on side)

Chapter 3 ~Interesting Magazine

Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see ~Mark Twain


Axel's POV

I dropped my backpack by my room door and took off my shoes. <School is so exhausting> I complain to my wolf -Keiran- as I take off my pants and walk over to my bed.

<You should really put that away> he says.

<Put what away> I asked while laying down on my bed.

<Your 'magazine' you should really put it away before someone finds it. And by someone I mean your mom> He says while emphasizing the word magazine.

<I'll put it away later after my power nap okay> I tell him.

<Whatever you say but we both know you're going to forget about it and someone is going to find it> he replies.

<What time did I say I was going to James house> I asked changing the subject.

<You said 2:30> he answered.

I glanced at the clock it's 1:00 if I take a short 30 minute power nap I will still have enough time to make it to James house. I shrugged might as well take a nap I deserve it. I take off my shirt before laying down and closing my eyes I deserve this nap.


My eyes snap open when I hear my door opening. "Hey Axel you have a guest" my mother said as she barged into my room. I sat up quickly and saw James following behind her. What is he doing here.

<On a totally unrelated note you're only in boxer briefs> Keiran said in a bored tone.

I looked down to see I was only in boxer briefs. "Mom" I said in a distressed tone while trying to cover myself. "Get out I'm only in underwear" I scrambled to my drawer and hurriedly tried to slip on some basketball shorts.

"Oh c'mon Axel stop being a baby it's nothing I haven't seen before. Plus you change out for p.e so many of other boys have seen you in underwear" she said while waving her hand dismissively. "Anyways I'll leave you boys to it dinner will be ready at 5" she said before closing the door and walking away.

"What are you doing here and how did you get my address" I ask James as soon as I knew the coast was clear.

James walked further into my room and took a seat on my desk chair. "Well when you didn't show up I texted April and asked for your house address" he said while looking around my room.

"What do you mean didn't show up I said I was heading over at 2:30" I told him while slipping on a shirt and walking over to my mirror.

"Have you seen the time it's 4:30, dumbass" he said while spinning around in my desk chair. I rolled my eyes at his comment and started to fix my hair. "Nice magazine" he said suddenly.

I nodded my head not really paying attention. <Hey lazy ass looks like someone found your porn magazine> Keiran says. I froze and turned around my face slowly slipped into a mortified look when I saw James wagging my magazine around. <I told you this was going to happen but you didn't believe me> My wolf said <I'm so fucking smart> he boasted.

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