Chapter 4 ~Do I Smell Marijuana

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A/N So I switch the POV'S in this book a lot like one chapter will be this person's POV while the next chapter is a different POV. So yeah for some reason that was very important to say. Don't be a silent reader comment your thoughts.

AnnaSophia Robb as April (up top or on side)

Chapter 4 ~Do I Smell Marijuana 

People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday ~Winnie the Pooh


James POV

A low groan escaped my lips as the girl licked my shaft I yanked on her hair roughly causing her to moan. Before anything else could happen my room door busted open "Dios mío, que es etsa porquería" my mother exclaimed. 

I quickly pushed the girl away and pulled up my pants "Don't you fucking knock" I growled.

"Me? Knock? This is my house I pay the bills I cook I clean. So I have no need to 'knock'" my mother growled back while making air quotes. "Te dije que no trajeras a tus putas a casa" she snarled.

I rolled my eyes "What do you want" I asked while fixing my hair. The girl was long gone she practically sprinted out of the room. 

"Your friend is here" my mother said. She stepped aside allowing a beet red Axel to appear in my line of vision "I'm going down to make dinner and when your father comes home I'm telling him about this incident" she said while walking away. 

Axel awkwardly stepped into my room "Look Axel I-" he cut me off before I could finish.

"Don't. Let's just act like that never happened I really don't care or need to know what you do in your private life" he said while sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Noted" I sighed. "Why don't you get comfortable while I go freshen up" I said while walking to my restroom.

I washed my hands and face before walking back into my room. Axel was sitting on the bed with a note book in his hands he looked at me and gave me a small smile "Okay tell me about your childhood" he said.

I looked at him "Why do you sound like a shrink" I asked. He shrugged "Okay well my childhood was absolute shit" I started.

"Care to explain" he asked.

"Well if you would shut the fuck up and stop interrupting I'll be able to" I growled. His eyes flashed gold but it quickly went away. My eyebrows furrowed that's defiantly strange. "Well when I think about it my childhood was okay my father was never home because he was to busy with When I was five my parents found a ten year old girl named Stacy in the forest she was an orphan and we took her in. Life was great for Stacy and I but then my mom had my younger sister Sophie when I was six. Life started to go down hill from there Stacy started to play with Sophie and they forgot all about my existence" I told him.

He hummed "Must suck being the middle child. I wouldn't know" he said while taking notes in his note book.

I nodded "When I was 17 and Sophie was 11 my parents forced me to take her to the park. I hated her so much she always got all of the attention and always got what she wanted. I was so pissed that I ditched her at the park" I looked away from him "Deep down I loved her a lot. I mean how could I not she was my sister. But my jealousy took control and I left her there at the park. She never made it home that night my parents spent weeks searching for her my mother was devastated and my father couldn't even look at me. Stacy would always glare at me and for the longest time she wouldn't even talk to me. After two months they found Sophie's body at the bottom of a river bank" I told him while looking away. I couldn't even look him in the eyes I'm a terrible person. "On my 18th birthday my father passed his company to me. I'm still awaiting the day when I find Sophie's killer and have revenge" I said with venom dripping from my voice.

"How could you do that to your sister James" Axel said.

"I was jealous" was all I told him.

"That's no fucking excuse. You were 17 she was 11 I would think you would have known better" he looked livid. I don't need this from someone who doesn't even know me.

"Shut the fuck up Axel. You don't even know me so you have no right" I growled. 

He was about to say something when my door opened "Hey Jamesy, mom says to come-" Stacy started but she froze and looked at Axel with wide eyes. 

"Hello, earth to Stacy. What do you want" I asked.

"Mom said for you and your friend to come eat dinner" Stacy said lowly.

Axel was just staring at Stacy and Stacy looked like she was going to shit herself. "Axel let's go eat" I told him. Axel snapped out of whatever daze he was in and nodded "Stacy why are you just standing there let's go" I told her.

"Oh yeah" she said while scurrying away.


Axel groaned as we walked back into my room "Your mom makes really good food" he said while rubbing his stomach.

I shrugged "It's okay really" I told him.

He threw himself face down on my pillow I sat on my desk chair and looked around my room. I'm hardly ever in here I'm always at the warehouse dealing with my men. "James. Why do I smell marijuana" Axel suddenly asked.

I shrugged "Because you have a nose and you're able to breath" I told him.

He lifted my pillow and pulled out my bag of marijuana "Wow, that's disgusting" he said while scrunching up his nose.   

"You're one to talk you have a freaking play girl magazine" I snorted.

He turned bright red "Point taken" he said. It was silent for a while until he broke the silence "I'm sorry about earlier. It's not my place to say anything to you we've only met a day ago" he told me.

"It's okay it's only expected. It's my fault my sister is dead" I told him.

"It really-" he got cut off when his phone rang. "Hello" he answered.

I looked out my window and into the forest that forest has always been behind my house but I never dared step into it. It sounds sad I know I'm supposed to be a big bad gangleader but I'm afraid of the forest. "James. Hello" Axel said.

I jumped and glared at him "What" I snapped.

"I have to go" he said "It was nice meeting your family" he said while running out. Not even giving me a chance to reply.

I sighed and laid on my bed looking up to the ceiling. I was starting to doze off when my phone rang "Hello" I answered half asleep.

"Dude get your ass to the warehouse did you forget about the meeting or some shit" Dylan exclaimed.

I was fully awake "Shit I forgot. I'm on my way" I said while getting up and putting on my shoes. "Bye mom love you" I yelled while running out of my house.


A/N This chapter sucked and it was short, but I've been stressing lately with school and other things. I just had to update because I haven't updated in a while so just hang with me here. 

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