The truth comes out ~ Chapter 3

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When I woke up, I noticed a tray of food and a note lying next to it on the nightstand. The tray of food consisted of one glass of water, mashed potatoes, green beans, and a hot dog. Yum.

I picked up the note and read it. It said: You may be wondering why you are here, but that will be explained soon. For now just relax and don't worry, everything is fine. Oh, and next time I visit, I expect you to be nice.


After reading that, I saw that his name was Jordan. Now, I had a name to his pretty face.

He sure had some explaining to do. I would not let him leave the room next time until he told me why I was here, but actually, it was way more peaceful than my house. It was better than being at home, that was for sure. No one was screaming and yelling all the time, the place is clean, and I got a good meal.

I picked up a spoon and started eating mashed potatoes. I got halfway through the meal until the door handle rattled and someone walked in the room. I looked to see the one and only, Jordan.

"Have you ever heard of knocking?" I asked with sass.

"Have you ever heard of this is my room?" he remarked. He had a good point.

"Whatever. You have some explaining to do, Jordan," I said standing up and putting my hands on my hips.

"I thought the note said I expected you to be nice," he said looking amused.

"No. Do not change the subject jerkface," I said starting to get mad. I wanted to know why I was kidnapped, and I was going to get an answer.

"Alright... someone is feeling defiant. Come sit down," he commanded while walking over to the bed and sitting down.

I followed in suit. I was about to sit down beside him, but he moved over and pulled me into his lap.

"Excuse you," I mumbled trying to squirm out of his lap. It was not comfortable sitting on someone you did not even know. I pushed away from him and sat on the floor in front of him.

"What was that?" he asked.

"I said start speaking. That's what is was," I told him, rolling my eyes.

"Okay well you have to believe me. I am not making any of this up, do you understand?" he asked seriously.

I nodded my head.

"Okay so I'm a werewolf," he said.

I just stared at him and he looked back at me reluctantly. I cracked a smile and started laughing. I knew I was being pranked.

"Alright. I know I'm being punk'd. Bring out the cameras," I said laughing. This was a good prank, I had to say.

A minute or two had passed and nothing happened. My eyes were watering from laughing so hard. 

"I'm serious! I can shift if you want," he said.

I was on the ground giggling at him, but he was serious. He must be mental or something.

"Alright mister wolf, why don't you shift right now since you can," I told him in a babyish voice while I  crossed my arms. If he thought he was a real werewolf, he was going to have to show me...even though I knew he was insane.

Jordan sighed and stood up. I looked away as he started taking off his clothing. I knew at that point, he really did think he was one.

"Dude, please put your clothes back on," I told him.

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