I'm just a stranger ~ Chapter 48

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"Uhm, please excuse us," Jordan told the elder who was giving me an angry stare.

Jordan grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the room forcefully. He pushed me out into the hallway and closed the door gently.

Jordan grabbed my arm again and began pulling me down the hallway. He didn't say anything. It was silent anger and I knew it.

His grip kept getting tighter as he pulled me down different hallways.

"Your hurting me," I hissed. The pressure of his squeeze kept building up.

Jordan finally let go and turned around, his back facing me. He started taking deep breaths.

"The pain I just caused you is nothing compared to what was going to happen to you if I didn't pull you out of the room. The elders can look at you and you will be in imstant pain," he said surprisingly calmly.

I didn't know what he meant by that, but I was grateful he took me out of the room because his hold on me hurt bad enough.

"What the hell were you even doing?" He breathed out.

"I..I just fell and-"

"No. You don't just fall into a flipping room in a secluded area of the house. Plus, you have to twist the doorknob. So I'll ask again. What were you doing?"

He finally turned around, and like I said, it was silent anger. His eyes were blazing. It shocked me because he wasn't really yelling....yet, even though he was mad.

"Well, I'm innocent because I didn't know where I was going and like I said, I fell," I said giving him puppy dogs eyes.

And also, it was not a total lie. I didn't know my way around the house and I did slip on my foot.

He shook his head and did one of those angry laughs.

"They can read your mind, you know? He knows what really happened. And if Elder Desmond asks you what happened again, and you lie, you better run. So you are going to tell me. What the hell were you doing? And I'm not going to ask again" He said. This time he wasn't too calm.

I sighed. I knew I should tell him even though he would be really angry.

"I was wandering through the halls and I came across a "mysterious" door," I said waving my arms around at the word mysterious. "Then I walked up to it and put my ear up to the crack and-"

"Nice! You put your ear up to the door to listen into an important meeting," he laughed out loud and clapped his hands.

I glared at him. "You would have done the same thing."

He laughed again and rolled his eyes. His motioned for me to continue by flipping his hand.

"I slipped on my sock and grabbed the door handle to steady myself. Then I fell forward and opened the door..." I trailed off.

He nodded his head. "I get it was an accident, but no matter what, it isn't nice to snoop. It can get you in major trouble."

Everyone knows that it is hard not to listen into things that are important and secret...he couldn't blame me too much...

"Okay, so like am I getting a punishment or..?" I asked.

"I actually have no idea. So you sit tight and try not to get in trouble again," he said before turning his back to me and walking away.

"Why were you talking about me?" I asked. I knew he was talking about me in his meeting and I wanted to know why.

He stopstutter ediately after I asked it. I knew the question would catch his attention.

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